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20 Best Computer Science Book to read in 2024

20 Best computer science books to read in 2024. such as The Mythical Man-Month, Compilers, Clean Code, Rework, Programming Pearls, Code Complete
Welcome to an insightful journey through the '20 Best Computer Science Book,' written by Muhiuddin Alam on the book recommendations and reviews site,

Over the years as a leading authority on literary expertise, I've created numerous articles in the category of 'Learning Books', many of which can be found on this site. I'm also a regular contributor to other book-related websites and publications.

I have received many requests to recommend some of the computer science books. In response, I'm pleased to offer my expert recommendations in this article.

I will recommend the best computer science books in this post, which is based on my in-depth study and testing in this field. 

Some notable recommendations include The Mythical Man-Month, Compilers, Clean Code, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Rework, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Introduction to Algorithms, Programming Pearls, Software Random Thoughts, and Code Complete.

These aren't the only books on this topic. Below, you'll find 20 books with detailed descriptions of each of these outstanding resources, helping you make well-informed decisions to choose computer science books for 2024.

So, when I suggest these books, it's because I've read a lot and want to share the best ones with you. I'm all about making your reading experience awesome. Trust in a guide deeply immersed in the literary books and stories. I love books just like you do!


20 Best Computer Science Books of All Time 

Advice to self-learners: Best computer science books for self-study. There is no better way to build a knowledge structure in a specific field than to study a professional course in that major. 

If my knowledge structure system is enough to cover most of the interviewer's knowledge structure system and even swallow his knowledge structure system, we already know what he wants to express by reading a word in his speech, and we can let him sit in the "superior position" after all, he is The interviewer, but we are condescending in terms of knowledge structure and psychology.

So, read the best-selling computer science books in 2024.

1. The Mythical Man-Month


The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition by Frederick Brooks Jr. 

The Mythical Man-Month: The Essays on Software Engineering, 2nd ed. In the field of software, few books have been as influential and best-selling as The Mythical Man-Month. 

Dr. Brooks provides the most insightful insights into people managing complex projects. There are lots of thought-provoking ideas and lots of software engineering practice. 

The content of this book comes from Dr. Brooks' project management experience in IBM's System/360 family and OS/360. Once the original English version of the book came out, it aroused strong responses from insiders, and was later translated into German, French, Japanese, Russian, and other languages, and sold millions of copies worldwide. Established its classic status in the industry.

2. Compilers  


Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Alfred Aho, Monica Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey Ullman

Principles of Compilation provides a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of important topics in compiler design, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, syntax-directed definitions and translations, runtime environments, object code generation, code optimization techniques, Parallelism detection, and interprocedural analysis techniques, and a large number of examples are given in the relevant chapters. 

Compilation Principles has been thoroughly revised compared to the previous edition, covering the latest advances in compiler development. 

A large number of systems and references are provided in each chapter. Compilation Principles is a classic textbook in the field of Compilation Principles.

3. Clean Code 


Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin 

Software quality is not only dependent on architecture and project management but also closely related to code quality. This point, whether it is the agile development school or the traditional development school, has to be admitted. 

"Clean Code" proposes the idea that the quality of code is directly proportional to its cleanliness. Clean code is not only reliable in quality but also lays a good foundation for later maintenance and upgrades. 

As a leader in the field of programming, the author of "The Way to Clean Code" gives a series of effective clean code operation practices. 

These practices are embodied as rules (or "inspirations") in Clean Code, complemented by positive and negative examples from real-world projects. As long as you follow these rules, you can write clean code, which effectively improves the quality of your code.

4. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 


Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) by Harold Abelson

"Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" (the 2nd edition of the original book) was published in 1984. It was formed in a textbook used by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for many years and was revised to the 2nd edition in 1996. 

For more than two decades, "Construction and Interpretation of Computer Programs" (2nd edition of the original book) has had a profound impact on educational programs in computer science. 

Most of the important programming systems in the second edition have been reworked and tested, including various interpreters and compilers. 

According to the teaching practice in the following ten years, the author also made corresponding modifications to many other details. Since the publication of "Construction and Interpretation of Computer Programs" more than 100 colleges and universities around the world have adopted "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" as teaching materials, in the United States. 

Stanford University, Princeton University in the United States, Oxford University in the United Kingdom, Tokyo University in Japan, etc.

5. Rework 


Rework by Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson 

This book presents a better, simpler way to do business successfully. By the end of this book, you'll understand why planning actually hurts and doesn't help, why you don't need outside investors, and why it's better to ignore the competition. The truth is that you need a lot less than you think. 

You don't have to be a workaholic, you don't have to recruit a lot, you don't have to waste time on desk work and meetings, and you don't even have to own an office. All of these are just excuses!

6. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment 


Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 3rd Edition by W. Stevens, Stephen Rago 

"Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment (Second Edition)" is an updated version of the book Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, known as the "Bible" of UNIX programming. 

In the more than ten years since the publication of the first edition of this book, the UNIX industry has undergone tremendous changes, especially the relevant standards affecting the UNIX programming interface. 

On the basis of maintaining the style of the previous edition, the content of this book has been revised and supplemented according to the latest standards, reflecting the latest technological developments. 

In addition to introducing UNIX files and directories, standard I/O libraries, system data files, and information, process environment, process control, process relationships, signals, threads, thread control, daemon processes, various I/O, interprocess communication, The content of network IPC, pseudo-terminal, etc., 

also introduces a number of application examples on this basis, including how to create a database function library and how to communicate with network printers.

7. Introduction to Algorithms 


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Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Thomas H., Leiserson, Charles E., Rivest, Ronald L., Stein, Clifford

The book "Introduction to Algorithms (2nd Edition)" provides a comprehensive introduction to computer algorithms. The analysis of each algorithm is easy to understand and interesting while maintaining mathematical rigor. 

This book is designed to be comprehensive and applicable to a variety of purposes. Topics covered include the role of algorithms in computing, probabilistic analysis, and an introduction to stochastic algorithms. 

This book specifically discusses linear programming and introduces two applications of dynamic programming, randomization and approximate algorithms of linear programming techniques, etc., as well as recursive solutions, division methods used in quicksort, and expected linear time-order statistical algorithms, and a discussion of elements of greedy algorithms. 

The book also introduces the proof of the correctness of the strongly connected subgraph algorithm, the proof of the NP-completeness of the Hamiltonian circuit the subset sum problem, etc. The whole book provides more than 900 exercises and thinking questions and narrates case studies in more detail.

8. Programming Pearls 


Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley

Programming Pearls (2nd Edition) is a classic in computer science. The content of the book revolves around a series of practical problems faced by programmers. 

Author Jon Bentley, with his unique insight and creativity, guides readers to understand these problems and learn how to solve them, which are very important in the actual programming career of programmers.

9. Software Random Thoughts 


software Random Thoughts - Joel on Software tribal chief programmer by ( MEI )Joel Spolsky RUAN YI FENG YI 

"Software Thoughts: Programmer Tribe Chief Joel Talks About Software" is a collection of thoughts about software technology, talents, entrepreneurship, and business management. Novel and unique, the content is concise and practical. The book is divided into 36 lectures, each of which is an independent topic. 

"Software Thoughts: Programmer Tribe Chief Joel Talks About Software" meets the learning and work needs of software developers, designers, managers, and those engaged in software-related work from different aspects.

10. Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices 



Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices by Robert Martin 

"Agile Software Development: Principles Patterns and Practice" by world-renowned software development expert and software engineering guru Robert C. Martin will show you how to solve the toughest problems faced by software developers, project managers, and software project leaders. 

This comprehensive, practical guide to agile development and extreme programming was written by one of the founders of agile development. 
  1. Describe how software developers and project managers use agile development to complete projects under budget and practical requirements; 
  2. Use real cases to explain how to use extreme programming to design, test, refactor, and pair programming; 
  3. Contains extreme Worth of multiple-use C++ and JAVA source code; 
  4. Focus on how to use UML and design patterns to solve customer-oriented system problems.

11. Code Complete 


Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, by Steve McConnell 

Code Encyclopedia (2nd Edition) is a new interpretation of Steve McConnell's classic book from more than ten years ago, the famous IT bestselling author, former editor-in-chief of "IEEE Software" magazine, and 20 years of programming and project management experience: the second edition does a comprehensive. 

The update has added a lot of content that keeps pace with the times, including discussions of new languages, new development processes and methodologies, and more. 

This is an encyclopedic software construction manual covering all aspects of software construction activities, with particular emphasis on practical methods for improving software quality.

12. Linkers and Loaders 


Linkers and Loaders (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming) by John R. Levine

"Linker and Loader" describe the key tools for building programs - linker and loader, including linking and loading, architecture, object files, storage allocation, symbol management, libraries, relocation, loading and overwriting, shared libraries, Dynamic Linking, and Loading, Dynamically Linked Shared Libraries, and some changes with an eye toward full-fledged modern linkers; 

and introduces an ongoing hands-on project of developing a usable little linker using the Perl language. "Linker and Loader" is suitable for reading and reference for students, trainee programmers, language designers, and developers of computer-related majors in colleges and universities.

13. C Programming Language 


C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie 

"C Programming Language" (new edition 2nd edition) is an authoritative classic book written by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, the designers of C language, which introduces the standard C language and its programming methods. 

Comprehensively and systematically describe the various characteristics of C language and the basic methods of programming, including basic concepts, types, and expressions, control flow, functions and program structures, pointers and arrays, structures, input and output, UNIX system interface, standard library, etc.

14. Understanding MySQL Internals 


Understanding MySQL Internals: Discovering and Improving a Great Database by Sasha Pachev 

"Understanding MySQL Internals": MySQL source code is open source in the sense of public availability, but if you do not understand it, it is essentially closed to you. Sasha Pachev, a former member of the MySQL development team, gives a comprehensive guide to MySQL 5 with "Understanding MySQL Core Technologies", revealing the inner workings of this powerful database. 

You'll dive right into the core of MySQL, see how various data structures and handy features work, how to add new storage engines and configuration options, and more. 

"Understanding MySQL Internals" starts with an overview of the structure, and this part explains how the different components of MySQL work together. Next, you'll learn the steps to set up a valid copy of compilable code, then add your own configuration variables and storage engine using the basic schema.

15. The Art of UNIX Programming 


The Art of UNIX Programming by Eric Raymond 

"UNIX Programming Art" mainly introduces the design and development philosophy, ideological and cultural system, principles, and experience in the field of the Unix system. It was written by Eric S. Raymond, a recognized Unix programming master and one of the leaders of the open-source movement for many years. 

A number of domain experts, including the Unix designers, contributed valuable material to this book. The content of "UNIX Programming Art" involves community culture, software development, design, and implementation, with wide coverage and profound content, fully demonstrating the author's profound experience accumulation and domain wisdom.

16. Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++ 


Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++ by Mark Weiss 

"Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis: C++ Description" is a classic textbook for data structure and algorithm analysis. The mainstream programming language C++ is used as the specific implementation language in the book. 

The content of the book includes table, stack, queue, tree, hash table, priority queue, sorting, disjoint set algorithm, graph theory algorithm, algorithm analysis, algorithm design, amortization analysis, search tree algorithm, kd tree, paired heap, etc. 

"Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis: C++ Description" is suitable as teaching material for data structure courses and postgraduate algorithm analysis courses for computer-related majors. 

Data structure courses for undergraduates can use Chapters 1 to 9 of "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis: C++ Description", and Chapter 10 for multi-hour courses; Chapter 6 for graduate algorithm analysis courses - Chapter 12.

17. Design Patterns 


Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides

Design Patterns: Fundamentals of Reusable Object-Oriented Software is a guiding light to guide readers out of the software design maze, and is the crystallization of decades of design experience in the software development community. 

Four leading object-oriented domain experts carefully selected the most valuable design practices, organized and named them, and expressed them in a concise and reusable form. 

This book has become the bible and dictionary of object-oriented technical personnel, and the 23 patterns defined in the book have gradually become the basic knowledge and vocabulary necessary for technical communication in the development world.

18. Expert C Programming 


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Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets by Peter van der Linden 

Programming for Experts in C showcases the coding techniques used by the best C programmers and has a dedicated chapter on the basics of C++. The history of C, language features, declarations, arrays, pointers, links, runtime, memory, and how to further study C++ and other issues in the book are explained and analyzed in depth. 

The whole book extracts dozens of examples to explain, which has very high practical value to C programmers. "C Expert Programming" can help C programmers with certain experiences become experts in C programming. 

For programmers with a considerable C language foundation, "C Expert Programming" can help them understand and learn C++ from the height of C.

19. Head First Design Patterns 


Head First Design Patterns: A Brain-Friendly Guide by Eric Freeman, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra, Elisabeth Robson 

"Head First Design Patterns" has 14 chapters, each chapter introduces several design patterns and completely covers all 23 design patterns in the four-person version. 

The preface first introduces the usage of this book; the design patterns introduced in Chapters 1 to Chapter 11 are Strategy, Observer, Decorator, Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Singleton, Command, Adapter, Facade, TemplateMethod, Iterator, Composite, State, Proxy. 

The last three chapters are special. Chapter 12 describes how to combine two or more design patterns into a new design pattern (such as the well-known MVC pattern), which the author calls the composite design pattern (this is the author's own name, not a standard term for a group of four).

20. DOM Scripting 


DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model by Jeremy Keith, Jeffrey Sambells

"DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model: JavaScript is the most important language in web development, it is powerful and beautiful. Whether it is desktop development or mobile applications. JavaScript is a must-have technology. 

The W3C's DOM standard is the cornerstone of developing Web applications. Already supported by all modern browsers, this makes cross-platform web development a breeze. 

"The Art of JavaScript DOM Programming" is an upgraded version of the super bestseller. Written by a leader in advocating Web standards, it reveals the true meaning of front-end development and is a must-read for learning JavaScript and DOM development.

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