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28 Classic Christians Novels You Should Read in 2024

28 Classic Novels that Every Christian Should Read. Such as The Bible, The Essence of Christianity, History of the Christian Church, Confessions

Today I will talk about 28 Classic Novels That Christians Should Read. Christianity is the world's three major religions, with the largest number of congregants in the world. 

It has produced countless classic literature, so do you know what Christian attractions are? 

The Books are mainly compiled by based on the classic works of the three major Christian denominations (Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Protestantism). 

The world's famous literature works on Christianity, and classic literary works related to Christianity. 

By referring to the ranking of relevant online lists, comprehensive sorting and recommendations are made. The ranking of the list is for reference only. 

In this article, the editor brings you 28 classic Christian books, namely The Bible, The Essence of Christianity, The History of the Christian Church, The Essentials of Christianity, Returning to Basics, Pilgrim's Progress, Re-examining Jesus, The Benchmarking Life, Confessions, and The City of God.

let's take a look togetherhoping to bring some help to brothers and sisters who have just converted to Christianity.


1. The Bible

The Bible is the classics of Christianity, including the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament, the Jewish Bible, is inherited from Judaism. The number and order of the books are slightly different among Christian denominations. 

The New Testament is a classic of Christianity, consisting of 27 books, including the "Gospels" which recorded the life, words, and deeds of Jesus, the "Acts" which described the situation of the early church, the "Letters" and "Revelation" written for the apostles ". 

The editor of reminds you that the various factions of Christianity have different parts of the "Old Testament" in the "Bible", so different versions of the "Bible" have been formed.

2. The Essence of Christianity

The Essence of Christianity is a work on the philosophy of religion created by the German thinker Ludwig Andres Feuerbach, first published in 1841. 

From the standpoint of anthropological materialism, Feuerbach clarified the secrets of religious theology in the book, and believed that it was essentially anthropology, analyzed and criticized Christianity and theology, and refuted the wrong view of Hegel's speculative philosophy on Christianity. 

Feuerbach pointed out in this book that man is a real perceptual existence, a part of nature, and the essence of man is not only the basis of religion but also the object of religion. 

3. History of the Christian Church

"History of the Christian Church" briefly outlines the two thousand years of Christianity's development history with a friendly brush, which involves some major church events and the development of different Christian factions, etc. 

It shows readers the age of Jesus and the apostles, the age of catholic Christianity, and Christian Rome. 

The historical religious features of the eight stages of the Age of Empires, the Middle Ages of Christianity, the Age of Reformation, the Age of Reason and Revival, the Age of Progress, and the Age of Ideology. 

4. The Essentials of Christianity

The Essentials of Christianity are grand in their conception and clear in their exposition, covering almost all areas of Christian theology. 

This magnum opus ranks among the ten works that have influenced human history and are a classic in the Christian canon. 

It not only influenced the Christian church for nearly four hundred years but also shaped modern Western culture in many ways. 

5. Return to the Basics

"Back to Basics" is a series of wartime speeches delivered by the well-known writer CS Lewis during World War II when he was invited to the BBC. In an age when life is as fragile as a reed, it tells about the pure faith that transcends Christianity of different sects. 

"Back to Basics", which tells the true meaning of faith, is widely regarded as Lewis's most popular work and is regarded as one of the most important religious works of the twentieth century. 

The editor of suggests that believers who are just getting started can read this book to understand the beliefs of various Christian denominations. 

6. Pilgrim's Progress

"Pilgrim's Progress" is a novel written by John Bunyan of the United Kingdom. Its main purpose is to make people follow Christian teachings and achieve salvation by constantly conquering their own weaknesses and the evil outside them. 

The names of people and places in the novel are highly religious, reflecting the religious thoughts of Christ. 

"Pilgrim's Progress" shows the complex British society during the Restoration period, expresses Bunyan's views on the social history of that time, and also reflects the predicament of Christians in the society at that time. Selfishness and moral depravity in the secular world. 

7. Jesus' Retrial

"Jesus Revisited" is a non-fiction book written by author L. Strobel from his interviews with 13 famous American Bible scholars. 

L. Strobel was a well-known American journalist and editor who was once a godless skeptic. 

However, his wife's personality and personality changed after she became a Christian, and he began to change his view of Christianity. 

In order to prove the reliability of the Bible and the authenticity of Jesus' death and resurrection, he interviewed 13 prominent American biblical scholars over a two-year period and asked them the tough questions often asked by skeptics. 

The result was that he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, with the evidence unassailable. 

8. Benchmark Life

The Purpose Driven Life is a philosophical book written by American pastor Rick Warren. Backed by the authority of the Bible, the book presents Rick Warren's basic concepts in an attractive form and conversation style. 

Human beings as creatures are related to creation. Connected to God, man is destined to find meaning in life, and as such, man cannot realize his potential, or find true fulfillment, unless he realizes that he is God's people.

9. Confessions

"Confessions" is an autobiographical memoir written by Augustine from 394 to 400 AD in the style of prayer autobiography. 

It describes the inner struggle and transformation experience of early Augustine when he was converted. Divided into 13 volumes, the book eulogizes God's love while repenting of himself. 

This work is not only a review and evaluation of personal growth and praise of beliefs and thoughts but also has a profound impact on the later development of Christian culture, with unique cultural and ideological connotations.

The editor of reminds you that there are three books in "Confessions". In addition to this one, there are also autobiographies of Rousseau and Tolstoy.  

10. City of God

The City of God is the writing of the Roman Catholic saint Augustine, which mainly discusses divine care and the history of mankind. 

Remind that the kingdom of God is spiritual and immortal, and cannot be replaced by any country in this world. The City of God is arguably the first philosophy of church history. 

This book shows that Augustine was not only a philosopher, theologian, and apologist, but also a moralist and political thinker. 

He was also a literary and dramatic critic, a commentator of the times and history, and he influenced the entire medieval period

American Christian Media Recommendations: 18 Classic Books Christians Must Read

In addition to the Bible, what other classic books are there for the spiritual growth and life of Christians? 

The Christian Post, an American Christian media, recently listed 18 must-read classic Christian books, hoping to help readers who want to learn more about the faith.

1. Mere Christianity

C.S. Lewis' masterpiece, based on his BBC radio speeches during World War II, Identifying Christian Doctrine, was first published in 1952.

2. The Screwtape Letters

A classic by C.S. Lewis, this 1941 satirical novel follows an old demon who writes letters to the rest of hell, telling them how to trick humans and those who have just converted to Christianity.

3. My Utmost For His Highest

First published in 1923 as a daily devotional, a compilation of sermons for students and World War I soldiers by Oswald Chambers, when he was serving as a military chaplain.

4. The Case for Christ

In this widely acclaimed apologetics book, journalist Lee Strobel interviews experts to see if Jesus Christ is the Son of God and documents his journey from atheist to Christian.

5. The Five Love Languages

Christian marriage counselor Gary Chapman shows five ways to help married couples love each other.

6. The Pursuit of God

Aiden Wilson Tozer's 1948 classic about his pursuit of God, his desire to follow him, and the need for faith even in worldly endeavors, still inspires many today.

7. Orthodoxy

Gk Chesterton's 1980 apologetics work, which focuses on the author's conversion to Jesus Christ, is often cited as the most important work of the prolific Chesterton.

8. The Cost of Discipleship

The influential theological writings of the German theologian and martyr Bonhoeffer (also known as Bonhoeffer) coined the term "cheap grace" as a powerful reminder to Christians not to compromise with secular society.

9. Confessions

The autobiography of St. Augustine at Hippo provides an insightful account of his turbulent spiritual life and his troubled past as a Christian. This great read has been a bestseller for over 1,500 years.

10. God's Smuggler

The unforgettable tragic story of Brother Andrew, who as a young man smuggled Bibles into countries where Christianity was persecuted.

11. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

In this emotional and rational bestseller, Nabeel Qureshi chronicles his spiritual journey from being a devout Muslim to converting to Christianity.

12. Cold-Case Christianity

A homicide detective and one-time atheist J. Warner Wallace investigates Christian views and uses his knowledge of criminal investigations to craft an interesting book of apologetics.

13. The City of God

A fifth-century magnum opus of St. Augustine of Hippo, his philosophical views on the City of God and the City of Evil continue to influence Western culture.

14. The Pilgrim's Progress

John Bunyan's 17th-century spiritual parable includes two parts of a profound story that still inspires readers to this day.

15. Loving God

Chuck Colson, a knife-and-axeman in the Nixon administration, has surprisingly examined the costs of being a disciple of Christ and continues to challenge the church.

16. The Purpose-Driven Life

Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church's bestselling devotional has helped many people, from celebrities to the general public, realize that God has a plan for them.

17. The Cross and the Switchblade

David Wilkerson recounts his missionary efforts among bewildered urban teens as a powerful witness against a backdrop of violence and drug abuse.

18. Praying God's Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds

A 2000 book by American evangelist and author Beth Moore. The book analyzes how to apply the words of 2 Corinthians about Christians, "destroyed every conspiracy, every exalted thing that hindered the knowledge of God...".

Conclusion: Books about Christianity? 

Books about Christianity, first of all, the "Bible", also known as "The Old and New Testaments" (including the New Testament and the Old Testament), 

There are "Bible · Devotional Edition", "Bible · Inspiration Edition", and "Bible · Study Edition", etc. to study the "Bible" which is a must-read for Christians.

There are also some Christian works, such as "The Devotional Bible", "The Wanderer's Song" (mileage), "The Benchmark Life" (American Rick Warren), "Desert Spring" (a famous Christian devotional book), "Pilgrim's Progress" (British Bunyan), "The Pillar of Life" and so on.

The above books are relatively authoritative and can be searched on the Internet. May God bless you!

Christianity is a monotheistic religion that believes in Jesus as Savior (Christ of Christ, Greek: Χριστος). It includes Protestantism collectively referred to by evangelical churches such as Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism, as well as the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church. 

The religion believes in the Gospel of the Kingdom of God preached by Jesus, the crucifixion of Jesus to atone for the original sin of Adam and Eve, the resurrection of Jesus, the ascension of Jesus, the second coming of Christ, the final judgment and other theological ideas.

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