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The Harry Potter Books Ranked: All Seven from Worst to Best

The Harry Potter Books Ranked: All Seven from Worst to Best. such as Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret
Which Harry Potter Book is the Best? Harry Potter Books Ranked! 

Hey guys! Finally, we have talked about The Harry Potter Books Ranked: All Seven from Worst to Best and the review of the entire Harry Potter series, spoiler-free! 

If you haven’t read Harry Potter before and debating whether the book is worth your time, this article will be helpful! It is a review of the whole series and each part of Harry Potter too.

Today let's talk about the Harry Potter books ranked: all seven from worst to best - no spoilers. 

Harry Potter series is meant for anyone who is in love with fantasy, who is in love with magic, who wants to escape reality and enter a whole new world.

About the Author J.K.Rowling

"Harry Potter" is a series of magical literature works by British female writer J.K. Rowling. There are seven books in this series, which describe the protagonist Harry Potter at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Seven years of learning life adventure story. It has been translated into 62 languages, with a total sales of 300 million copies. 

Despite J.K. Rowling repeatedly that she began writing the Harry Potter series of novels when it was not against the idea of certain age readers, publishers of books at the time of the first publication of the series of novels obviously readership Targeted teenagers between the ages of 9 and 15. 

In any case, the Harry Potter novels have fans of all ages. In some countries, the publication of a series of novels tends to publish two versions at the same time children's version with a cover design suitable for teenagers and an adult version with a mature cover design, even though their content is exactly the same. 

Moreover, with the development of the plot of the series of novels, Rowling's writing style has gradually matured and sophisticated, coupled with the continuous growth of the hero of the story, Harry Potter, the entire series has been gradually developing in terms of style and content.

The Harry Potter Books Ranked: All Seven from Worst to Best 

If you do not like fiction at all and if you feel like this is too fictitious for me, like even for normal fiction books then there is no way that you're going like Harry Potter, and Harry Potter is only going to seem like it is overhyped for you because you're just not into that kind of books it makes complete sense. 

If you are a non-fiction reader or if you read only to learn something then Harry Potter is too much drama and it's like too much magic and this and that so it is not going to make sense to you but on the other hand if you do love reading fiction and you love fantasy and you love magic and stuff like that or if you want to just like start out with fantasy then I feel like this is an amazing series to start with. 

Even if you want to just start out with the series itself I think you can start with this because the language is so easy in the entire series it's made for kids so it is obvious, that there is a lot of content you don't have to wait for the other parts to come it is complete and you get to experience everything.

It's a children's book and they have written it in a way that children will understand and yet it is so deep dumbledore has said some things that I'm like they're beautiful and they're gonna stay with me forever and Dumbledore was like the biggest fan of love dumbledore has always said that harry potter is stronger than Voldemort simply and simply because harry potter has the love of his mother. 

He is such a big fan of love and he believes in love and that is so important. So if children are reading these books or teenagers are reading these books I understand that the whole value of love and believing in love and the power of love is going to go into their heads and harry potter has done that and that is actually amazing now let's begin with a review of each book one by one.

1. Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone


"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is a novel by British female writer JK Rowling, "Harry Potter The first part of a series of novels.

The book tells about a series of adventures in which Harry Potter, an orphan whose parents have died since childhood, was invited by Hogwarts to learn magic.

The plot of the novel is about ups and downs, the language is funny and humorous, and the theme reflects reality and human nature, which is thought-provoking.

In 2001, a film of the same name adapted from "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was released and won US$960 million at the box office.

I read the first book and I know for a fact that I was supposed to get attached to the story when I read the first book. the first book is probably the thinnest book out of the entire series and I finished it probably in one or two settings. 

Reason for recommendation:

Honestly, I tried my best to get attached to the characters and to the plot after reading the first book itself the first book was not bad at all but it felt like a kid's book to me, and obviously, the Harry Potter series is a children's book like children do read it but then this felt kiddish it felt teenage it felt like something that I should have read when I was a kid and I felt like I missed out on that fun that I could have.

When I was a kid it was like oh my god is this how I'm gonna feel for the entire series so basically in this book, you get introduced to the characters you get introduced to the entire world of magic and Hogwarts that j.k.rowling has created and it is beautiful. 

It's kind of like a setup for everything that is going to come ahead you may feel like it's a kid's book when you're reading this book you may not be attached to the characters or you may be attached but if you're reading it for the first time and if you are an adult you may not feel attached but all I want to say is that keep reading ahead.

2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 


"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is a novel by JK Rowling and the second in the "Harry Potter" series.

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" describes the return of the evil wizard Voldemort in a new form. The events in the book show that evil can only be temporarily avoided, not permanently eradicated; the secret room shows that the wizarding world has much in common with the Muggle world. There is no end to perfect peace in any world.

Also Available is Prime Video: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie.

Reason for recommendation:

The second book is so emotional and I was able to understand, why I was not able to attach myself to the characters and the plot in the first book because they were just introducing everything it's the beginning. 

In this book, you already know them you know who Harry is, you know who Hermione is, and you know who Ron is. Ron and Hermione are Harry's friends and you know Hagrid and you know the world of magic and the world of Hogwarts and you know everything and this is where the story begins to proceed ahead. 

The first book is like the setup even though they do have adventures there it's like setup this is where the story begins to proceed and I loved this book so much it was so emotional and you get introduced to so many new parts of the magic world it is so interesting. 

This is the book that actually got me attached to harry potter and everything changed also the character of dhobi like you know the intensity and the love for Hagrid everything was there in this book dhobies. 

this book is very very emotional, I was very very excited to move on to the third book because I love Harry Potter it still felt kiddish though it still did not feel like I was reading it as an adult.

3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 


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"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is a novel by British writer JK Rowling and the third in the Harry Potter series.

"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," tells the story of Harry Potter's extraordinary two years in school. It is rumored that Blake is the "black magic" master Voldemort-the murderer of Harry's parents. ——A faithful believer once used a spell to end 13 lives in succession. Harry's life has changed drastically as a result.

July 8, 1999. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is released in the UK. Within two weeks, the book sold more than 270,000 copies and was printed 10 times. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" won the Smart is Children's Book Award, making Rowling the first writer to win the award three times.

In 2004, the adaptation of the film of the same name was released and won $789 million at the box office.

Reason for recommendation:

The Azkaban word sounds so nice so I thought it was going to be something nice. This book is where a little bit of the darkness starts you get introduced to certain creatures in the magic world that are dark in the magic world like what is going on something is messed up those things begin to happen in this book and get a little real in this book. 

In this book for the first time I felt okay fine like I was not exactly reading a kid's book along with the darkness there were so many twists in this book. 

The entire part of the mystery and getting surprised and I'm like, and what like that happens that didn't really happen in the first two books it happened in this one and I was like I think my interest was peaked in this book.

4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 


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"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" is a novel by JK Rowling and the fourth in the "Harry Potter" series.

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" mainly tells the story of Harry Potter who has gradually grown into an outstanding wizard after three years of study and training at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In 2001, Rowling won the Hugo Award for "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". 

In the list of the most popular books for children edited and published by the online education organization Renaissance Learning, the list of favorite books of all ages, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" "And Susan Collins' "Sparking Fire" tied for first place. 

The adaptation of the film of the same name won US$948 million at the box office.

Also Available Prime Video: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Reason for recommendation:

Since 600 pages this was the first thick book of the entire series took my time with it I did not read it very very fast. This book is about the tri-wizard tournament that is held in Hogwarts. It's a tournament where only 17 plus people can enter and Harry was like oh my god I'm not 17 yet. 

what like I wish I could win it all that kind of and then the goblet of fire presents the name of Harry Potter even if he is not 17 as one of the contestants. 

So this book is basically the journey of harry potter through the tournament even if he is not 17 how did he get selected even if he is not 17 that never happens what exactly happens then towards the end of this book the true harry potter plot begins towards the end of this book is when you start to feel like you're actually reading a series that is not really only meant for kids. it's so an interesting tournament.

This is a very very interesting part of the entire series I loved it so much because of the tournament competition happening the heat was there the fire was there and there was too much of an adrenaline rush when I was reading this book it was less about the mystery and more about the adrenaline rush in this book the best part till part four in harry potter series is that you get to experience so many emotions. 

5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 


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"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is a novel by British female writer JK Rowling and is the fifth in the "Harry Potter" series of novels.

"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," tells about what happened after Harry Potter was trapped at No. 4 Privet Road during another summer vacation and was suddenly attacked by a dementor.

One of the things that set "The Order of the Phoenix" apart from the other books in the series is its length. At 766 pages in the US version and 870 pages in the UK version, it is the longest book in the series by far. This allows Rowling to delve deeper into the characters and their relationships, as well as expand the magical world and introduce new characters and concepts.

Another thing that makes "The Order of the Phoenix" stand out is its portrayal of Harry's teenage years. In this book, Harry grapples with the typical challenges of adolescence, such as growing pains, bullying, and romance, as well as the added burden of being the chosen one and fighting against the darkness that threatens to consume the wizarding world.

On June 21, 2003, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" was released simultaneously in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. The first print of the US version reached 6.4 million copies. On the first day of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" The sales volume is as high as 5 million copies. On the first day of release in the United States alone, 400,000 readers participated in the midnight book purchase event. 

On the first day, 750,000 copies were sold in the United States alone. ; On September 1, 2003, the simplified Chinese version of the book was officially released, with the first print of 800,000 copies. 

The adaptation of the film of the same name, the box office reached 826 million US dollars.

Also Available Prime Video: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Reason for recommendation:

This is the thickest book in the series this is where you see the effects of Voldemort what Voldemort is doing what is existence basically, you elaborate upon Voldemort in his true nature in this book. 

It is the thickest book and I feel like JK Rowling really wanted us to be invested in the entire series. This book did get a little boring here and there for me because they were talking about things that I didn't know I was like why am I reading this like this I don't need to read this Why it was so everything is so explained in this book. 

There's a huge chance that you may get bored through it but just like go through it one and two I'm telling you once you're done with the series you will realize that those parts were where you were like. 

Why is it so stretched uselessly and everything will make sense like everything will make sense and you will realize that it was very very important for the entire series than when I read the fifth book order of Phoenix I was actually bored like I was like what like, first of all, it took me so much time to finish that book because it is so long and because it is boring in certain places I was not able to maintain my attention so I was like what is this like why is it? 

6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 


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"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" is a novel written by British writer JK Rowling and the sixth in the "Harry Potter" series.

The work mainly tells the story of the protagonist Harry Potter during his sixth year of study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (1996-1997).

On July 16, 2005, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" was released simultaneously in many countries around the world. The first print of the US version reached 10.8 million copies, setting a record in publishing history, 4 million copies more than the original record.

Global sales exceeded 9 million copies in the 24 hours before its release, setting a record in the history of book sales in the world; on October 15, 2005, the simplified Chinese version of the book was officially released, with 800,000 copies being printed for the first time.

The adaptation of the film of the same name "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" reached a box office of $947 million.

Also Available Prime Video: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Reason for recommendation:

In the fourth chapter, I was like wow, it suddenly does not even seem like a kid's book at all because of everything that is going on in this book, and in the last book like a don, it does not matter what your freaking age is when you are on the sixth book, everything gets intense real serious dark everything.

I feel like the sixth book was probably my favorite book like was it Although this book was amazing this is where everything gets interesting. This book I read in two days you'll be so grateful to yourself that you actually sat through the boredom of the fifth book or like you know you did not quit reading the book after the first book because it felt kiddish because there's nothing kiddish about this. 

This is basically where the whole Voldemort versus Harry Potter thing gets very real and it becomes the main plot of the book in the fifth book also it is the main plot, okay but it's still as I said it is stretched and it is so detailed and it is more about harry potter. 

This is the book where it is, Harry Potter versus Voldemort, so it's, not only Harry Potter, you don't only see Harry Potter and what he is doing, you also see what the world amount is doing, you also see where Voldemort is coming from and everything about Voldemort, so it is very very interesting.  

7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 


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"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is the seventh and final in this series. 

"The Hallows" mainly tells the story of seventeen-year-old Harry who was supposed to continue his final year of studies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but in order to complete the task of eliminating Voldemort, the former principal of the late Witchcraft School, Dumbledore.

Facing the siege of Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, Harry, and his friends followed invisibly, went through hardships, and finally destroyed multiple Horcruxes and defeated Voldemort, the story of a great victory in the magical world.

The book sold 11 million copies in the United Kingdom and the United States on the day of its release on July 21, 2007, breaking the day created by the sixth book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". A record of 9 million copies sold.

Harry Potter fans from all over the world attended the bookshop at midnight, and many dressed up as their favorite characters, hoping to participate in this historic event in the history of publishing.

Also Available Prime Video: 

Reason for recommendation:

I'm not gonna talk a lot about the last book but I loved the ending so much. It was so good but somewhere in the middle, I was so scared that the ending was going to disappoint me like hell, when I read the book or when you saw my reactions in the article. 

You will come to know what I'm talking about and why I felt like this book going to disappoint me or something like that but no it's not disappointing at all and it is not kiddish at all and it is not like why am I reading this at all and it is not slow at all it is fast-paced it is emotional. 

It gives you the adrenaline rush it gives you the mysteries and everything the final book basically takes everything that you experienced in the entire series still six books and then you experience them all together in the seventh book. 
And then, unfortunately, the series ends and you're left out in this real world. Where there are no Hogwarts and there's no Dumbledore and there's no dobby and there's no Hagrid and there's no Minerva and there's no Hermione and there's no genie. so sad.

The sixth book is also interesting because it dives deeper into the whole. You know love side of the entire series like it's there in the seventh book also but obviously, it's there in the seventh book had to close everything up but in the sixth book. 

It is really really interesting because everybody is like finding their love and like all those cheesy romantic things are happening and it's like every teenager and it's very nice like even if you're like old you go back to being a teenager and like when you're reading it you're experiencing everything. 

Similar to Harry Potter Books

Here are a few recommendations for books that share some similarities with the Harry Potter series:
These books all have elements of magic, adventure, and coming-of-age, and should appeal to fans of Harry Potter looking for something similar to reading.

Conclusion of best Harry Potter books ranked

All right you guys this was it for today. I really hope that this article was helpful for you and it was kind of like a guide to reading Harry Potter and if you've not read Harry Potter you came to know whether this is the kind of book that you should be reading or not.

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