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30 Best Books on Self-Discipline and Self-Control

Unlock your potential with the best books on self-discipline and self-control. Master your habits and achieve success with these empowering reads.

Welcome to an insightful journey through the '30 Best Books on Self-Discipline and Self-Control,' written by Muhiuddin Alam on the book recommendations and reviews site,

Over the years as a leading authority on literary expertise, I've created numerous articles on this topic of 'Health and Fitness Books', many of which can be found on this site. I'm also a regular contributor to other websites and publications.

I have received many requests to recommend some of the self-discipline books. In response, I'm pleased to offer my expert recommendations in this article.

I will recommend you best books on self-discipline in this post, which is based on my in-depth study and testing in this field. Such as The Willpower Instinct, Atomic Habits, Procrastination, Designing Your Life, The View from the Cheap Seats, Younger Next Year, Mini Habits, and Principles.

These aren't the only books on this topic. Below, you'll find 30 books with detailed descriptions of each of these outstanding resources, helping you make well-informed decisions in your best self-discipline book journey.


Greatest Self-Discipline and Self-Control Book of All Time

Hello everyone! Recently, I have been learning how to develop self-discipline, practice, and apply this knowledge. 

Next, let me share some self-discipline books that have helped me. I hope everyone can make progress with me.

This list of self-discipline books can help readers who want to personally improve their self-discipline skills. 

These classic works explore in various ways how to plan, control, and manage your own behavior to achieve greater efficiency and fulfillment. 

These books provide useful tips and advice, as well as practices and inspirations from successful people, which can bring inspiration and motivation to readers.

It is recommended that you choose the books among them according to your own needs and interests because everyone's "lack of self-discipline" is different. 

I hope you can identify your own problems and try to apply the concepts and methods in the book to real life, so as to achieve True self-improvement.

Self-discipline is the key to success. Below I recommend 30 self-discipline books. You never need to force yourself to learn. It is very important to develop self-discipline habits.

1. The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It by Kelly McGonigal

Let me start by saying something arbitrary: " It is difficult for people without self-control to accomplish anything. " If you carefully observe the people around you who have achieved a little bit, you will find that no matter what they do, they have certain principles. That is self-control.

In other words, you know when you should do things and when you shouldn't do things. Even when faced with various temptations, you can control yourself and not act randomly. 

At least you won't be like some people whose figures have begun to lose shape. They can't control their mouth when they see delicious food. They comfort themselves while eating: "Only when you are full can you have the strength to lose weight!"

If you really have this mentality, you can eat with peace of mind. This is a sign of a lack of self-control. 

Because you know that eating too much is not good, but you can't control yourself, causing your figure to become more and more out of shape. In the end, you can only use the excuse of being prone to obesity to perfunctory yourself.

If you really want to become a self-disciplined person and can't even take care of yourself with basic food and drink, it will be difficult to do so. 

In this book "Self-Control", the author also talks about how to resist temptation when faced with it. He suggests giving yourself ten minutes to wait and slightly delay gratification.

Generally speaking, when you can allow your desire to be considered for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, a day or two, then the desire will not be so tempting to you.

Over time, you will gain self-control and become more rational when faced with tempting choices. When you learn self-control, you can apply it to all aspects of life. Over time, you will naturally become a self-disciplined person.

2. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

I have recommended James Clear's "Atomic Habits" on different occasions. I think this is the only book about habit formation and breaking bad habits. In the book, the author proposes a brand-new framework for habit change, namely the Four Rhythm Laws.

The four rules are: make it obvious; make it attractive; make it easy; and make it delightful.

The author also uses scientific research, vivid cases, and personal experience to show how to use this framework to improve your habits to achieve self-improvement and life goals.

The four rhythms in this book also provide you with a clear and easy-to-understand framework for habit change, helping you track and control your behavior more easily.

By learning and practicing this framework, you will find that changing your habits is not difficult, but a fun and rewarding process. 

Whether you want to improve your personal self-discipline or help your teams and organizations improve, this book will be an invaluable guide.

3. Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It Now by Jane B. Burka Ph.D., Lenora M. Yuen Ph.D.

From students to scientists, from secretaries to CEOs, from housewives to salespeople, procrastination affects almost everyone. 

Based on their acclaimed and groundbreaking procrastination workshops and on a wealth of theory and experience drawn from many fields of counseling, the authors present a careful, detailed, and sometimes humorous exploration of procrastination.

By identifying and examining the reasons why we put things off—fears of failure, success, control, alienation, and attachment, combined with issues with our concept of time and neurological factors in the brain—we learn how to understand procrastination. A very solid foundational work on impulses and how to act in new ways.

The authors provide us with a series of solutions to achieve goals, manage time, seek support, and deal with stress to overcome procrastination. The solutions they provide are extremely practical and have been tested in practice. 

This book also takes into account the contemporary cultural demands of the ever-accelerating pace of work and life, as well as the impact of neurocognitive problems such as attention deficit disorder and executive dysfunction on procrastination. The book even provides a lot of practical advice for people who live and work around procrastinators.

Whether it’s perfectionism or dissatisfaction of any kind, procrastination can be improved. The best way is to set goals, pragmatic, step-by-step, realistic goals. Then implement it, adjust goals at any time, face difficulties, and reduce excuses and unnecessary interruptions. 

Remember to reward yourself a little and use positive cues. It is our choice whether to procrastinate or to act. You can get happiness from learning, growing, and challenging! You don’t have to wait until perfection to feel valuable!

4. Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett

Professor Bonnet and Professor Evans believe that there is no single optimal solution to life, and life cannot be planned perfectly. 

Just as designers will not blindly "think" about the future but take the initiative to create the future, you need to use the design thinking model to find your own life goals, concentrate on creating more possibilities for yourself, and try boldly, so that it is possible to change destiny.

This book does not ask us to make up or fantasize about the future but asks us to break out of our habitual thinking, be brave enough to change, conduct rapid trial and error, and find new goals in life. 

This course has been very effective in experiments with college students and professionals and has helped many people change their lives. 

Whether you are 18 or 80, Stanford University's life design course can help you find a career direction that is more suitable for you and restart your life.

Quoting a classical teacher: "The idea of life design is to redefine the problem, find as many options as possible, and choose a quick try until you succeed." It is never too late, to use designer thinking to open up more options in life, we can all make our own choices and create our own life path. 

I think the "Good Times Diary" and several key questions mentioned in the book are worth using and thinking about.

5. The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman

In this compelling and enjoyable-to-read collection of nonfiction, reports, and lectures from cover to cover, Gaiman explores writing itself as well as anyone working in the field today. 

He spoke of the passion that had ignited him as a boy, as a boy, and as a young man, and it was evident that it still burns in him today. 

He talks brilliantly and movingly about the lives of writers he respects and loves, literary genres and personalities, libraries, bookstores, movies, and comics. 

His intelligence and fan-like fervor are clear as he tells you how and why authors write and, most importantly, how and why readers read, and why all of these things matter.

He makes a living by lying but is extremely sincere, and takes pleasure in making up, but aims to get closer to the truth. 

Neil Gaiman teaches us to empathize with living beings and talk to the dead in reading, to draw strength from the past and obtain the key to the future world, and to resist impermanence in writing, even if this creation comes from anger and fear. Bradbury in his writing is a wise prophet. 

Douglas's love and humor even overflowed into his works. His sympathy for Pratchett is moving. On the dark conveyor belt, the light of the master makes the journey worth looking forward to.

6. Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, Sexy, and Smart―Until You’re 80 and Beyond by Chris Crowley, Henry S. Lodge M.D.

Since the publication of the "Younger Next Year" series of books, the cognitive revolution about aging based on evolutionary biology has been continuously proven by scientific research. Millions of readers are eagerly looking forward to an authoritative daily exercise manual. 

In view of this, the two authors of "Younger Next Year" teamed up with top American sports coach Bill Fabrosini to use the latest sports science to create this set of exercise plans for readers.

Only exercise can continue to send growth signals from the brain to the body and reverse the biological clock. 

This book advocates 6 days of exercise per week, 4 days of aerobic exercise, and 2 days of strength exercise, and provides suggestions on exercise projects and schedules. 

The book introduces a revolutionary 10-minute warm-up exercise and complete illustrations of 25 basic movements in strength training. 

The key points of aerobic exercise and strength exercise are described in detail, making it convenient for readers to follow the pictures and achieve their exercise goals efficiently.

The core concept of "Younger Next Year" is that although exercise cannot keep people young forever, it can keep the physical quality of people aged 50-85 in their 50s, so as to improve the quality of life in later years (41% of life length). 

This book is its accompanying training manual. Inspired by this book, seriously consider 4 days of cardio, 2 days of strength training, and the remaining day for yoga. 

In particular, I started to seriously consider mixing in cardio so that I could avoid the injuries that running alone would cause me. 

One particular recommendation in the book is cycling ("the ideal form of aerobic exercise"). I probably won’t try to ride a shared bicycle to and from get off work. 

Instead, I’ll buy a cycling platform and a road bike, and use the virtual routes on the sports app to exercise at home. In addition, it’s time to add some exercise equipment to your home.

7. Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results by Stephen Guise

Every hour I work, I stand up and move around for 10 minutes. In these 10 minutes, I started with 20 push-ups, doing three sets every day, and added one after a week, which means I will do 21 push-ups each time next week, and now I can easily do 60.

This little habit has allowed me to use my free time to exercise, which keeps me in a good mental state without spending extra time on fitness, killing two birds with one stone. This small habit is also called a mini habit.

In fact, the so-called mini habits are very small habits that are not difficult for us to do, such as reading two pages of a book every day, reading a paper every day, doing 10 push-ups every day, memorizing 10 English words every day, etc. There are many similar mini-habits in the book "Small Habits" by Stephen Gass.

In fact, a person's self-disciplined life is usually a combination of similar habits, especially some seemingly insignificant habits. 

For example, you get up on time at six o'clock every morning and only eat 70 to 80% full at each meal. Just putting down your phone and reading a book are all small habits that make a person become self-disciplined.

If you read this book "Little Habits", you will consciously develop some good little habits. When your whole day is occupied by these habits, start optimizing them, and in the end, you will be left with habits that are useful to you.

In this way, your life will be on a predetermined track. There are certain rules for what you should do every day and when to do it. You will also start to stay away from your previous bad living habits, and you will naturally slowly become more self-disciplined.

8. Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio

What are the principles? If you think that principles are beliefs gained through repeated tempering in life, this is the result of convincing yourself.

Based on his many years of management experience and insights, Dalio refined 21 high principles, 139 medium principles, and 365 sub-principles, covering two major aspects: dealing with people and company management, with the focus being very detailed.

But if you think there is no need to copy other people's principles, you can just use them as a reference. Using principles to guide your life is the most efficient way of life. You must extract principles from your own life.

9. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath

This is the best book on behavior change ~ extremely actionable! The book starts with a core question: How to get the changes you want?

Change is not a test of willpower, willpower does not play a big role here. Change is a test of wisdom, how to use reason to guide emotions instead of using willpower to try to defeat emotions.

Reason is just a rider and emotion is an elephant.

By exerting willpower, the rider may be able to control the elephant for a while; But when the elephant has its own way, the power of the rider cannot control the behemoth.

This book does not stop at theories and models; Solving problems is the focus of this book. The book contains three parts of practical methods and a large number of cases.

10. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

This book is the first book I bought about time management. I only knew that it was very famous, but when I first bought it and read it, I didn’t feel much about it. 

But then I went back to read it and found that this book is really amazing. It is worth reading in-depth and needs to be read many times to digest.

I now put this book on my desk, and when I have free time, I take it out, flip through a few pages, and deliberately memorize the most classic sentences in it.

David Allen, the author of this book, will guide you out of the quagmire of planning and execution, leading to the other side of efficiency and ease.

The essence of this book is the GTD system. It has become the best tool for managing personal affairs that tens of millions of people around the world are learning and using. It is helping modern busy people manage and arrange various affairs calmly.

If you want to learn time management systematically, this book is a must-read.

11. The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential by Tony Buzan

You may be familiar with the word mind map, but as to how mind map was invented, how to make it, and what kind of benefits it has, you can find the answer in this book.

Mind mapping is a good helper to enhance learning ability. Through mind mapping, you can take notes, write articles, give speeches, and even tutor children in writing essays.

12. Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise by Anders Ericsson

The first time I watched it, it subverted my cognition, and it was very helpful to me because I worked very hard for a while, but I never got results.

After reading this book, I realized that I had been lazy by working hard.

For example, when studying, I will inadvertently repeat some simple content. Spending many hours seems like a lot of effort, but in fact, it is an ineffective effort.

What we should do more is to constantly challenge knowledge that is higher than our own level.

This also explains that the 10,000-hour rule is not necessarily reliable. Just like cooking every day, you may not become a Michelin chef, just without deliberate practice.

13. The Practicing Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life Master Any Skill or Challenge by Learning to Love the Process by Thomas M. Sterner

This book is also very powerful. What I remember most is that it taught me one thing: don’t care too much about the results and enjoy the process.

Because for many things, such as reading, fitness, and financial management, the results cannot be seen in a short period of time.

Therefore, if we want to persist for a long time, it is better to thoroughly enjoy the process and let ourselves like reading, writing, and managing money. In the end, we will unknowingly find that we have become smarter, richer, and stronger.

Then you won’t stop just because you achieve your goals and get results, because these benefits are just a by-product. What I really enjoy is the process of reading, writing, and managing money.

14. Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals by Heidi Grant Halvorson

What impresses me is the need to have goals that are specific and within your reach. List every step of your goal in detail. The brain is a deceptive guy. If you don't find out the specific goal, the more vague it is, the lazier it will be.

Maintaining a good attitude and executing it slowly, that is,

thinking about "how" to do it and "why" to do it, will make you more motivated.

Obviously, first, find the "goal" before you can continue to do it.

15. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg reveals the profound impact of habits on our lives and work, and how to change our lives by changing our habits.

The author uses a large amount of empirical research and vivid cases to tell how successful people use the power of habits to achieve achievements, and how successful companies use habits to improve efficiency.

He divided habits into three links: cue-habitual behavior-reward, and elaborated on the mechanism of habit formation and how to create more beneficial habits by adjusting these three links.

This book provides an in-depth and simple analysis of the principles of habit formation and is of high reference value for people who want to improve their self-discipline.

After reading this book, you will learn how to use psychological principles to change your behavior patterns to better achieve your goals.

In addition, the cases in the book are rich and colorful, including successful cases of business management and touching stories of personal growth, bringing you great reading pleasure.

16. The Road Less Traveled, Timeless Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth by M. Scott Peck

Subtraction life: Return to yourself, this is the mission of life.

Perhaps no book in our generation has had such a huge impact on our hearts and spirits as "The Road Less Traveled". 

In North America alone, it has sold more than 7 million copies and has been translated into more than 23 languages; it has stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for nearly 20 years!

This book reveals the meaning of communication and understanding everywhere. It transcends the limitations of the times, helps us explore the essence of love, and guides us to live a new, quiet, and rich life; it helps us learn to love and learn independence; it teaches us to become more Competent, more understanding parents. Ultimately, it tells us how to find our true selves.

Life is full of hardships. The author makes us more clear: life is an arduous journey, and the journey to mental maturity is quite long. 

However, it does not make us feel afraid. On the contrary, it leads us to go through a series of difficult and even painful transformations and finally reach a higher state of self-knowledge.

17. What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: A Memoir (Vintage International), Book Cover May Vary by Haruki Murakami

Subtraction life: Forty years of persistence give life the meaning of self-discipline.

Self-disciplined people who like literature and running often regard Haruki Murakami as a role model.

Haruki Murakami started writing when he was 30 years old, and it has been 40 years now.

He only writes 4,000 words a day, 400 words per page, and stops after writing 10 pages.

Then take out one hour of running, and it will last for 40 years.

Many of the inspirations for Haruki Murakami's works came from running. Serious self-discipline not only gave him a healthy body but also produced a large number of excellent literary works.

From Kauai, Hawaii, to Cambridge, Massachusetts; from a triathlon in a village to a long-distance marathon in Greece, he is always running. "Pain is unavoidable, but suffering can be chosen." 

Whenever Murakami runs, this sentence appears repeatedly in his mind. To actively choose hardship is to take the initiative in life into your own hands.

He compiled into a book what he had thought while running on the road over the years, writing honestly about running and life.

18. The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It by Kelly McGonigal

Subtractive life: turn pressure into motivation, move from self-control to autonomy.

This is a time when everyone is stressed and full of anxiety.

Stress is the reaction caused when something you care about is in danger. This definition is broad enough to encompass the frustration caused by traffic jams and the pain of losing things. 

It includes your thoughts, emotions, physical reactions when you feel stressed, and how you choose to respond to stressful situations.

This definition also highlights an important truth about stress: stress and meaning are inseparable. You won’t feel stressed about things you don’t care about, and you won’t be able to create a meaningful life without experiencing stress.

"In this book, you'll learn strategies drawn from hundreds of surveys and the wisdom of dozens of scientists I've spoken with, and you'll learn about their fascinating research."

Most importantly, this is a practical guide to help you live with stress. Embracing stress will allow you to be more proactive when facing challenges and use the energy of stress instead of being drained by it. 

It helps you turn stressful situations into opportunities for social interaction rather than isolation. It offers new ways to find meaning in your pain.

19. Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts--Becoming the Person You Want to Be

Subtractive life: Self-control prevents you from getting worse, and self-discipline makes you better.

Why can’t we become who we want to be?

The smell of bacon wafts from the kitchen, whetting our appetites, but we forget the doctor’s advice to control our cholesterol;

When the phone rings, our eyes turn to the lit screen involuntarily, but we miss the sincere eyes of our friends and family;

When the clock reaches 7:51, you promise to start work at 8:00. When 8:32, you set the alarm clock for 9:00. You become an "hourly enthusiast" and suffer from severe procrastination.

Our reactions do not occur in a vacuum; they are often the product of negative triggers (specific people or things) in the environment. 

They tempt us to react to our colleagues, partners, parents, or friends in ways that are completely inconsistent with our self-perceptions. 

But as Goldsmith said, it always seems like circumstances are out of our control, but we can choose our reactions.

We are great planners, but when circumstances come into play in our work and lives, we become poor executors. In this book, Goldsmith provides a simple solution. 

It uses a daily Q&A as a framework and asks 6 "captivating" positive questions to help us overcome the negative triggers in our environment and do more in our work and life. make far-reaching changes.

20. First Things First by Stephen R. Covey

Subtraction life: grasp what should be grasped and give up what should be given up.

This book is a classic book on time management, an extended and enhanced version of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", and one of the core essences of Covey's thought. 

Rather than giving you another clock, I’m giving you a compass—because more important than speed is direction.

The whole book places more emphasis on the awakening of one's self-awareness, takes this as a starting point to awaken conscience; and uses imagination to draw a blueprint and complete practice with free will. 

It breaks our original concept of time management and proposes a principle-centered approach, which enhances the traditional approach that advocates faster, harder, and smarter. 

The world's top 500 companies are using this new time management method to encourage everyone to pursue a life of integrity, courage, and dedication.

The key thinking of "arranging a schedule for important things": First, what are the important things and how to make yourself happy and improve efficiency. 

Secondly, how to make a weekly plan, that is, using "importance" as the decision-making thinking, and propose a new time management method.

We believe that the brilliant light of this book illuminates the dark half of time management techniques that remain unknown. We see not the fragments of our lives but the complete picture.

21. Practice Perfect: 42 Rules for Getting Better at Getting Better by Doug Lemov, Erica Woolway, Katie Yezzi

Subtractive Life: Martial Arts Secrets for Ordinary People to Come Back.

Deliberate practice is a successful model that is so simple that it is easily overlooked, but it is extremely powerful!

Practice is extremely simple and yet extremely complex. Everyone who desires to make progress, no matter what industry they are engaged in, whether they are leaders or employees, hopes to master the practice methods and grasp the rules of practice in order to do things better. 

People who continue to struggle, grow, and develop succeed precisely because they continue to practice deliberately.

Doug Lemov, a well-known instructor in the national training community, uses numerous examples that have happened to outstanding athletes, full-time teachers, senior lawyers, and experienced surgeons to tell us with reasonable evidence how important things in life are carefully considered. 

Under the guidance of planned deliberate practice, earth-shaking changes have occurred.

These deliberate practice methods include: focusing on practicing 20% ​​of core skills; practicing what you are good at to amplify the effect of advantages; repeatedly practicing correct actions to strengthen brain memory; studying successful people and copying them correctly; breaking down skills and conducting special exercises; knowing in advance Practice key points; make effective use of feedback to make timely improvements; fight against inertia and make practice fun; and so on.

The deliberate practice methods involved in this book have been continuously practiced by individuals, managers, and even governments, companies, and schools. 

All people who follow these methods have successfully taken control of their work and life and gained unlimited joy and happiness from it. 

Organizations using these methods have successfully unleashed the potential of their teams and gained invincible power.

22. Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation by Gabriele Oettingen

This is a book written by a psychologist, which details the psychological reasons for laziness and proposes a super practical "WOOP" psychological comparison tool. 

The thinking method of desire-result-obstacle-plan helps you achieve better results. As a result, goals are achieved.

23. Stick with It: A Scientifically Proven Process for Changing Your Life--for Good by Sean D. Young

This book introduces 7 weapons for changing yourself and upgrading yourself. Each of them integrates advanced concepts such as psychology and brain science and specific applications of scientific research. It is very practical to recruit self-denial and self-restraint.

24. Why We Do What We Do: Understanding Self-Motivation by Edward L. Deci, Richard Flaste

If people cannot motivate themselves, it will be difficult for them to actually accomplish things. When people meet their needs for autonomy, competence, and connection, especially the need for autonomy, they can continue to stimulate intrinsic motivation, be willing to devote themselves to one thing and have the best experience and performance. 

If you want happiness, you need intrinsic motivation. This book will teach you how to achieve autonomy, stimulate your intrinsic motivation, and become an automatic person.

25. The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play – Neil Fiore

After reading "The Now Habit", I personally feel that I have gained much more than reading "The Psychology of Procrastination". 

Although both books are about procrastination, their respective focuses can be seen from the titles. 

"War" focuses on actual combat skills, while "Drag" focuses on analyzing the reasons. 

After reading "The Now Habit", I felt that procrastination is so powerful that it can be traced back to my childhood, and it has formed a gap in my brain. 

How can I defeat it? "Station" has a very simple view on procrastination: "Procrastination is not a character flaw, but a learned protective response when faced with pressure, confusion, and fear of failure and success." 

And "these hidden fears can be eliminated, and the acquired procrastination techniques can also be quickly eliminated." 

After reading this, I felt much more relaxed. "The Now Habit is nothing more than that!" If you no longer have the fear of procrastination and eliminate the fear, things will be much easier to handle.

Another thing I learned from this book is: Don’t be hard on yourself. The pressure and anxiety caused by external events are already great enough, so why do we add more to them? 

I used to always like to threaten myself, "If you can't do it again, I'll die", "Why are you so stupid, you can't even solve such a simple problem", and "You must be punished for wasting your time". 

This kind of self-statement is highly undesirable and is likely to lead to procrastination. After recognizing your own limitations as a person, procrastination can be slowly overcome through positive self-statements.

26. The Power of Discipline: How to Use Self-Control and Mental Toughness to Achieve Your Goals

Have you spent weeks, months, or even years trying to achieve your goals but keep failing?

Have you given up on becoming successful because your futile efforts have led you to believe that success is only for a select few?

If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions—don’t worry, there is still hope for you!

Before you can achieve anything in life, you need a solid foundation of self-discipline. Talent, intelligence, and skill are only a part of the equation. 

Positive thinking, affirmations, and vision boards are only a part of the equation. If you want to turn your dreams into reality, you need self-discipline.

Self-discipline is what will keep you focused when all hell is breaking loose and it looks like you are one step away from failure. 

It will give you the mental toughness required to dismantle the limitations you have placed on yourself and break through all obstacles standing in the way of your goals.

How would you feel if I told you that your inability to achieve your goals does not arise because you are lazy or lack drive, but rather it’s a problem because you have never been taught how to practice self-discipline?

27. The Power of Consistent Self-Discipline: Discover How Elite Performers Use Self-Control and Mental Toughness to Achieve Their Goals (Discover How to Build Self-Discipline and Mental Toughness)

  • Do you want more out of life, but you’re stuck in a humdrum existence that you can’t escape?
  • Are you just another ordinary somebody plodding along and not achieving much?
  • Do you dream of doing great things but give up before you even get started?

You’re not alone.

Most people know they could be so much more than they are and yet do the bare minimum just to get by.

The thing is you can’t become your best self by sitting on the couch watching TV and eating chips. There’s no fairy godmother to wave a magic wand and make your dreams come true.

It takes commitment and a different mindset to do that, and it takes a bit of work. But it’s not the sort of work that takes a lot of time or is difficult to put into practice.

The only time you’ll need is the time it takes to read this inspiring guide. The rest is just practicing what you’ve discovered as you go about your normal day. Take the first step, and the rest will follow easily and naturally.

In less time than you thought possible, you will have achieved your first goal and be ready and looking forward to the next. The sky’s the limit to what you can do when you put these core principles of self-discipline into practice.

28. Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline (Live a Disciplined Life)

Before reading it, I thought it was merely another "teach you success" book with lots of sounds like "can't agree more" but useless stuff in reality... but beyond my expectation, this book at least works very well for me. some of the theories are very practical and easy to implement. 

Every ordinary person may face the dilemma at work or in life of those who have no ambitions and often set aspirations at different stages of life, and start well but end poorly.

The content of this book is relatively easy to understand and does not contain much content. It gives a brief introduction to the reasons and lists targeted measures. The solution to this dilemma is easier said than done.

At the end of the book, there is a concentrated summary and the scattered content in the front is summarized. For some readers, it may be more time-saving to read this part first.

It's only 200 pages, with plain words, and could be easily finished in one or two days.

29. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This book can help readers build their own self-discipline system and improve their efficiency and influence. The author mentioned in the book that self-discipline is one of the basic conditions for becoming a highly effective person.

30. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

This novel tells a story about human nature and self-discipline. Through the protagonist's experience, it tells us that we must have firm beliefs and self-discipline in life.

Although this book is not specifically about self-discipline, it can bring a lot of inspiration and thinking to readers.

Conclusion: Self-Discipline and Self-Control Books

The above are the books I recommend. Next, I will talk about what inspired me.

We all know the concept of "unity of knowledge and action". The "knowledge" here is very important. You must first know what "self-discipline" is and how it operates. Self-discipline involves many aspects such as psychology. 

Many people don't understand this. Just follow other people's methods and copy cats and tigers. This is not feasible, you have to explore the mysteries yourself.

The key to "action" is that when you understand what self-discipline is and understand it deeply, you can find a method that suits you and take action.

In addition to these books based on self-discipline topics, there are other resources that can help improve self-discipline. For example, you could take self-growth and coaching classes, listen to speeches from successful people, or use self-discipline and goal-management apps to plan and track tasks.

No matter which method you choose, remember that self-discipline is a long-term process that requires continuous practice and persistence to truly achieve personal growth and progress. Hope this information is helpful to you.

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