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Is THIS Your Absolute Favorite Book of All Time?

Discover the ultimate literary treasure! Unearth your favorite book and delve into the profound 'whys' that make it an emotional masterpiece.
Today we will talk about your favorite book but the question: Is THIS Your Absolute Favorite Book of All Time? 

If you want to me picking favorite books is so difficult because I could easily talk to you about recent faves. 

But I never know which favorites are gonna stick around for long enough that they become all-time favorites and the best books I've ever read.

I'm kind of afraid that if I were to read them now I might not love them as much as then so I'm also a little bit hesitant of calling them all-time favorites.  

Sometimes I give a book five stars because I loved it at the moment but it doesn't become a favorite because it just kind of fades away over time this is a list of favorite books that didn't fade away. 

If you were to ever ask me to pick one favorite book I would just die on the spot because I'd rather die and pick a favorite.

Here we recommend the 50 favorite books list of all time.


1. Vicious 


Vicious by V. E. Schwab

this is Vicious by Victoria Schwab oh this book. so imagine this there's a book about two academic rivals' best friends who have this hypothesis that if you have a near-death experience you might develop some superpowers and of course as the absolute geniuses that these students are they try it out on themselves. which obviously leads to complications fast forward 10 years they do have superpowers but they are now each other's mortal enemies and they're doing everything to kill each other. 

that's some conflict right there the whole idea of the story is that we have a main character who really sees himself as the villain and an antagonist who sees himself as a hero. so it's kind of like flipped from what you're used to an anti-hero main character Victor who really does a lot of ethically ambiguous things and we have an antagonist with a god complex which I for some reason I really like antagonists like that there are people with special abilities kind of like x-men style which is one of my favorite types of magic systems and this book just has my favorite trope of all time which is academic rivals turned enemies and I blame watching too much naruto as a teen. 

but the thing is I have like I think I've consumed three pieces of media in my life with that trope like the academic rivals to enemies and I need more of it I need people who are always like found family enemies the lovers have chosen one I just want academic rivals to enemies like uh it just does something to me I can't explain it's so full of angst it makes me want to cry in like the best way possible if any of my gushings sounds good to you then I highly recommend this one.

2. The Broken Earth Trilogy


The Broken Earth Trilogy: The Fifth Season, The Obelisk Gate, The Stone Sky by N. K. Jemisin

This book is the Broken Earth trilogy by N.K Jemison the first book being the fifth season I remember reading these last year like in quarantine when it was super hot in here and I could only sit on the balcony because everywhere else was way too hot and I was just reading these books and good times anyway. 

if you take sci-fi and fantasy and put them together you just get something wonderful that is this series it's a post-apocalyptic fantasy country where once every few hundred years there is something called a fifth season which is just kind of like a mini apocalypse where the land is just ravaged by natural disasters earthquakes etc and in this world there are also people with magical abilities. 

the magic system is like seismic magic so people can create earthquakes and it's very it's a very hard magic system with very scientific very specific rules it's unlike any magic system I've ever read.

3. The Fifth Season 


The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin

and in the fifth season you follow three female perspectives and how they're kind of dealing with this new fifth season that is coming and how they are learning to use their magic the thing about this book is that it's like one big mystery just the moment you start reading you're just like what is going on I don't understand this why are there flying gems in the sky why are what are these rock people why are there these bottomless pits that just seem to go to the center of the earth what the heck is going on here. 

what I really like about this book is that it is super theme-heavy it very heavily deals with themes of oppression discrimination rewriting history motherhood is beautifully woven into this adventure story 

I would say that this book is absolutely something for you if you like sci-fi fantasy crossover and if you like stories that are just kind of like one big mystery where just slowly things unfold also if you really like unique world-building and magic systems I will say that one of the perspectives in this book is in second person 

so instead of I or he, it is you did this you saw this and I know that for a lot of people that can be a real deal-breaker personally, I got used to it pretty easily so I wouldn't be too intimidated by it definitely give it a try but I do know that for some people that can really be a reason to just not get through this series so just a heads up but other than that I need ever, I need everyone to read these books okay. 

4. The Hunger Games 


The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

the first one is of course The Hunger Games by Susan Collins. I need to put on my Hunger Games defense hats I am personally on the Hunger Games defense squad I will defend this book until my death and tell you about how fantastic it is I will fight everyone who thinks that this is just a shallow silly teen book that's only popular because teen girls like it. 

The Hunger Games are genuinely good political commentary not only is it a critique of the horrors and childishness of war it is also a critique of how the people in power the capital in this case will pit oppressed people against each other to divert the attention from like the real oppressor and no not just because they literally have to fight each other to the death in the hunger games. 

The Hunger Games books are filled with more subtle but super-accurate little details that allude to this thing of how the people are kept from standing up against the capital but instead just hate on each other I mean the climax of the story is literally Katniss refusing to let the capital put her and Peta up against each other because she knows she knows that the capital doesn't want the people watching to realize that they are the real bad guys after all okay candace Everdeen was gaining class consciousness in 2008 and we are not talking about it. 

but that's not all not only is The Hunger Games a genuine good critique of political stuff as good dystopian is it is also a perfect representation of how dystopian society feels about teenagers' constant feeling of being perceived as having to think about who you are and how you want to present yourself to the world anti-authoritarian themes it perfectly fits puberty just because something appeals to the teenage experience doesn't make it less meaningful you just don't understand it because you're 31 years old hank I think that's enough of me ranting about the hunger games.

5. Angelfall 


Angelfall by Susan Ee 

okay let's move on to another quick old favorite of mine that I want to give some special attention and that is Angel Fall by Susan e just another one of those dystopian that I read back in the day but this one was just it just hit a different and no not because the apocalyptic element of it was just hot angels attacking the earth it was snarkier it subverted a lot of common dystopian tropes that I'd seen so far. 

the main character was not a chosen one it had horror and gore elements in a way that I haven't seen in any other ya dystopian and I really liked that I found out that that's kind of a thing I feel like there's some butterfly effect going on that started with me reading angel fall at 15 years old and has now ended in me loving the ninth house at 22 years old as something happened there.

6. Ninth House 


Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

The Ninth House is not on my list of favorites even though I do love it I feel like I need to read a little bit more in the series before I can officially say that it's one of my favorites.

7. Six of Crows 


Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

but I do have another Leigh Bardugo book on this list, of course, none of you are surprised that Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo remains one of my favorite books of all time I really thought this was just gonna be one of those books that I loved when I was 18 and would not love today but I recently reread it and I still loved it guys I still loved it. 

this is the famous heist fantasy it takes place in 18th-century 17th century historical Amsterdam we follow a band of thieves swindlers thugs that go on this heist to break out and also the first break in a highly secure prison it has the found family trope it has a massive emphasis on the characters and their backstories and their relationships to each other has good banter it has angst so much angst which I know isn't everyone's thing but I do like it. 

I think this book was like my first introduction to having slightly more morally ambiguous main characters and upon rereading I definitely see that these characters were really not that morally gray but at the time that I read this was just so different from the usual goody two shoes.

the worst thing I'd ever done is turn down the losing end of the love triangle main character and that was just really a breath of fresh air for me and that fresh air being main characters who rip out other people's eyes usually I really love books that heavily focus on characters and I also like it if my main characters are just like a little bit more morally gray and I figured it out by reading this book.

8. Radio Silence 


Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

then next up we have actually a contemporary book yes I know surprise usually I don't like contemporary books, especially not contemporary books because I feel like I'm kind of old enough to the point that they tend to not really be relatable to me anymore and I especially don't like why I contemporaries that don't have romance because the only reason I usually read contemporary books is for the romance and yet on this list, we have a ya contemporary without any romance that I still absolutely adored. 
and that is A Radio Silence by Alice Oseman despite all the things I just said and this did not seem like the book for me I decided to just give it a try and listen to the audiobook and I started listening to it and I just couldn't stop listening I just wanted someone to inject the story straight into my veins I needed all of it I was immediately addicted the plot is not really the point of this story it's how it's executed that makes this so wonderful. 

I think this book is genuinely the best rendition of teenage insecurities about yourself and your future that I've ever seen like the kind of insecurities that you still have that linger even when you're an adult but are kind of at their height at the end of high school or secondary school and it is one of the most authentic written contemporary ya pieces that I've ever read like it just feels so so real to the point that even though I am older now I can still really relate to it and it still feels well authentic on top of that. 

This book explores themes of fandom sexuality friendship family being biracial not knowing what you want to do with your future kind of the difference between what people expect of you and the kind of person that you've always been so far and the person that maybe you want to actually be this story just really spoke to me in many different ways really wonderful and I would recommend this to formerly gifted burnout kids.  

9. The Gilded Wolves 


The Gilded Wolves: A Novel by Roshani Chokshi

this is the Gilda Wolves series by Rashmichi so completely unexpectedly I just decided to pick up this book I heard that it took place in 18th century Paris that I had a found family trope and that there was a heist involved so I was like that sounds cool let me just pick that up to see what it's all about and it was just one of those books where you read the first chapter and you just immediately know this is gonna be a five-star read like that's one of the best feelings ever you. 

if you were to ever ask me what your thing you know what's really your thing in why a fantasy I would just point you to this book we have a cast of fantastically lovable unique characters although I will say that the characters don't really shine and develop until book two it's also super diverse we follow main characters with all kinds of different sexualities and backgrounds and it's exactly the type of fun adventure that I want from a ya fantasy like the characters constantly need to solve these riddles and puzzles to get through like their heist and that makes me so happy. 

there's this really strong focus on the kind of balance between science and more magic and myth and I'm a big nerd who gets really excited about that and the thing is I have a hard time recommending this book because I know that a lot of people just end up don't really like it and I still haven't figured out what makes it so that some people really don't care about this book and other people absolutely adore it but I've done my best so I've compiled a small list of things that I think if you like these things then you also like this book. 

the first thing is if you're okay with a somewhat convoluted magic system that doesn't have a lot of rules and just takes a little bit of time to intuitively understand second if you get excited about solving riddles and puzzles also if you get excited about stories that grasp from a lot of different myths and religions and of course also if you get excited about the found family trap because that one makes me excited every time and it's in this one.

10. The Picture of Dorian Gray 


The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

This is the picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar wow. so we have our main character Dorian Gray he is beautiful gorgeous loved by everyone if he lived today he would be a tick-tock star Rey would be like the male Bella Porch no doubt but he's not just gorgeous he's also a little bit naive very easily influenced by the people in his life. 

then someone makes a portrait of him and it's not just any portrait because the thing with this portrait something that Dorian starts to notice over time is that the portrait slowly gets older but Dorian Gray remains young and Dorian gray just becomes obsessed with this painting of himself where he can see himself growing older whereas in reality he's remaining young and he can keep up this love that everyone has for him and he just becomes obsessed with making sure that no one ever gets to see this painting no one finds out what is going on he needs to make sure that he stays young forever. 

what I love about this book is that it's basically a corruption arc you know usually you have like a redemption arc or just like a character development arc here it's just Dorian slowly losing it and it is wonderfully done and wonderfully set up also another thing that I really like about this book is we have these characters just having conversations with each other often about all sorts of interesting topics and ideas which are very fun to read it's beautifully like lyrically written. 

so who would I recommend this to even though this book has no romance although debatable I would recommend this book to hopelessly romantic people it just has romantic vibes you know.

11. The Night Circus 


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

This is the night circus because I am not original and everyone has this book as their favorite book but it's just really worth the hype I also know that this book isn't gonna be for everyone so I'm gonna do my best while gushing over this book to kind of give you an idea of if you would like this or not. 

synopsis of this book that's already the hard part just follow this magical circus that appears out of nowhere at night where people have real magic but of course, the real-life people don't know that they just think whoa that's a really good magic trick but it's actually magic and we follow many characters in and around the circus-like a little boy that discovers the circus the creator of the circus the performers at the circus and at the heart of it the two magicians and the most powerful magicians at the circus who is in a contest with each other a magical contest but the kicker is that they don't really know what the contest is or what the point is and when it ends and of course, they fall in love with each other. 

but I would say I would describe this book as not a romance novel but a love story the difference between that to me is that it's not a romance novel because it's not about the like it's not supposed to be super romantic and like a lovey-dovey and cutesy that it's not written to be like that it's just a wonderful story with these two characters at the heart of it and how their relationship influences the other characters and how the story unfolds. 

yes the story doesn't really have a very strong plotline and it also doesn't really go deep into the characters or anything 

but I just kept reading for two reasons: 

firstly because of the mystery element, the whole circus is shrouded in mystery this contest is shrouded in mystery and I kept reading because I just wanted to know what was going on and where all these characters would end up.

and secondly, despite there not being a lot of plot or character development I kept reading because of just how captivating and atmospheric the story is. 

this book perfectly captures the feeling of going to a circus or as a theater show there's no real plot there are no real characters but you're just mesmerized. 

12. The Tao of Pooh 


The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff

This is The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff this is technically non-fiction but it really reads like a fiction book. the story is basically the author of the book having conversations with Winnie the Pooh and through these conversations, they explain these Taoist principles in a really interesting and very clear-to-understand way I'm not a Taoist by any means I just think it's really interesting because the ideas that are presented in this book are so just like diametrically opposed to like the western religion of productivity that exists here. 

so this book really feels like a breath of fresh air to me this time not because people's eyes are being ripped out but just because it's wholesome for example this book goes into the merits of simplicity not having to overcomplicate everything not forcing anything going with the flow etc and I reread this book every one or two years and every time I reread it I kind of get something new out of it and those are like the best kind of books that you can just reread over and over again and learn something new about yourself about the world every single time 

so I highly recommend this one it's super short it's so easy to read and I really think that it would just be you know just like a great addition to everyone's life you just think about things in a little bit of a different way than what you're used to.

13. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind 


Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Harari

the very next book on this list is a non-fiction book it is sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. This book is pretty much about the history of the human species and looks at our journey from being hunter-gatherers where we came from and how we built civilizations it covers human history most fascinatingly and beautifully and is also probably my favorite non-fiction book of all time. 

if you're interested in human history if you're interested in where we come from why we have religion why we have certain economic things this book just beautifully weaves together the most interesting information in the most concise way possible. 

14. Pachinko 


Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

the next book on this list is Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. I read this book a couple of months ago it tore me apart it was so heartbreaking and beautiful it is about a young woman named Sunder who lives in Korea she's about 16 years old and she becomes pregnant. 

she ends up rejecting the man who got her pregnant because he's not a very nice man and then she's married to a Christian pastor who then takes her on this voyage to Japan during the time of Korean occupation this is a time when it was very very very hostile for Koreans to live in japan. 

and this story is like this intergenerational epic that follows her life and the life of the people around her over many years it is one of the books that I wept reading and it's just so beautifully written and I was like writing down quotes from it the whole way through and it was just a stunning novel. 

15. Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart 


Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart by Holly Ringland

I read this as a library book just after we moved back to Australia after living in Japan but 'The Lost Flowers of Alice's Heart' is a story about a young woman. 

she starts off as a child in the story her name is Alice's Heart it sort of follows her life and it follows the story of her overcoming her trauma there are three very distinctive and brilliant settings in this story is sort of set in coastal Queensland 

I think from memory and then there's like the sort of country setting and then there's like the outback of Australia this sort of very traumatic thing happens to Alice when she's very young and she goes to live with her grandmother. 

and her grandmother lives on a native flower farm and they use the language of flowers to sort of communicate and she ends up using the language of flowers to process her trauma it's a story that is so atmospheric the imagery is just beautiful. 

16. The Graveyard Book 


The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

If you've read a lot of the articles on my blog then you will have noticed that over the last sort of two years, I started reading Neil Gaiman's books and then I absolutely fell in love with his books so in addition to this book. 

I also have two other Neil Gaiman books on this list and they are 'Coraline' and 'Instructions' which is a picture book. 

that's really lyrical and beautiful by him kicking it off with 'the graveyard book'. this is a story about a young boy named Bod whose name is short for nobody effectively bod's whole family gets murdered by this scary antagonist whose name is Jack and god who's a teeny tiny little toddler sort of totals out the door by accident and then up the hill and finds refuge in a graveyard and so the ghosts of the graveyard let him in and they end up protecting him from this antagonistic murderous figure. 

but overall a beautiful middle-grade story I love this so incredibly much and I think it is a beautiful brilliant book.

17. The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel 


The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel by Neil Gaiman

and then the next two by Neil Gaiman honestly I could chuck a whole bunch of his books on this list I'd also include 'the ocean at the End of the Lane' which is a brilliant story but like can I really have four in your gaming books on this list like that doesn't seem fair.


18. Coraline 


Coraline by Neil Gaiman

and then the other one is Coraline. Caroline is a story about a young girl who is in this flat which is in a larger house it's a very creepy old house she's on her school holidays her parents are working they're not really paying attention to her she gets very bored. 

and then she discovers a hidden door in the house she goes through it's a portal fantasy and then she meets her other mother who is this very demonic scary lady with buttons for eyes that book is pretty much a novel about learning that to be brave is to feel scared and do the brave thing anyway. 

19. Instructions 


Instructions by Neil Gaiman

and then the final one manual gaming is 'instructions' which again is a picture book I listen to this picture book like the audio version of it. 

so often it is pretty much a cute little picture book that is just the instructions for growing up but it's very fantastical it. it's written in the second person is just so lovely and I love it very very much.

20. The Magic Toyshop 


The Magic Toyshop by Angela Carter

I'm going to talk about the magic toy shop. this brilliant little book is a novel about a young girl named Melanie whose parents die in a plane accident it's a coming-of-age story it's a bildungsroman she gets taken out of her quite comfortable childhood in the countryside in England and she has to go live with her creepy estranged uncle Phillip who owns a very scary uncomfortable toy shop. 

I've mentioned this before please don't go into this expecting it to be a fantasy there's no actual magic in this it is a gothic story it's a beautifully written book it's quite short there's quite a bit of allegory in it this book for Bluebeard the fairy tale. 

21. The Bloody Chamber And Other Stories 


The Bloody Chamber And Other Stories by Angela Carter

and then the next inch Lakata one is 'The Bloody Chamber' which is another book I have spoken about a lot on this blog. The Bloody Chamber is a collection of fairy tales they're not like fairy tale retellings but they're sort of like original stories that are very heavily inspired by fairy tales. 

the first story in here the Titular Bloody Chamber pulls from the fairy tale of Bluebeard and I had never read that fairytale before reading this version good god it was creepy very very decadent writing very flowery purple writing but this is the stuff that I really really really love.

22. The Invention of Angela Carter: A Biography 


The Invention of Angela Carter: A Biography by Edmund Gordon

the next book on this list is not by Angela Carter but it is about Angela Carter and it is Edmond Gordon's invention of Angela Carter. this was another library book I borrowed and ended up just absolutely loving it is a biography of Angela Carter's life and I learned so much about her backstory and her influence on the time she spent living in Japan.

there were so many cool amazing things that she did that are like weird little crossovers with my own life because I lived in Japan she went to the University of Adelaide to be a teacher I studied at the University of Adelaide that was one of the personal reasons I liked the book but overall just a really really compelling and well-written biography I thought it was really strong I loved it.

23. The Handmaid's Tale 


The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

I thought it was beautifully written it has some very potent imagery you could tell that Margaret Atwood sourced from a lot of history in writing the story if you don't know anything about The Handmaid's Tale. 

it is a dystopian speculative sci-fi work it's quite upsetting to read honestly and it was written I think it came out in 1986 and it is terrifying how relevant this story feels even now like it feels like it was written last year. so in the plot of the story, we have this like the main character whose name is Alfred that wasn't the original name that's the new name that's been given to her and she is a handmaid and the handmaids in this country which used to be the united states of America. 

but because it's a dystopia the country's sort of fallen apart and there's a new regime of handmaids sort of existing to bear the children of the elite of this society so Ofra gets placed in a house with a wealthy well-wealthy governor and his wife effectively is there to get pregnant with his child and then give her baby away because for some reason the wives of the society cannot become pregnant and it is her story of what it is like to to go from being a person to become a non-person in this incredibly oppressive system. 

it was so believable and strong and brilliantly written I just loved the story and I thought it was really quite harrowing in a very important way so I thought it was excellent. 

24. Never Let Me Go 


Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

okay moving on to 'Never Let Me Go' by Kazuo Ishiguro. this is another speculative sci-fi sort of story and this is an excellent novel that I read when I was in year 12. and I friggin loved it. I cried very much this is a very harrowing heartbreaking story that makes you think about life's morality and just because we can do something doesn't mean we should be doing something every time. 

I try to talk about this book it's so difficult because I can't tell you the thing that makes this amazing. After all, you need to find out while you're reading it but effectively it starts out with this character whose name is Kathy H, and she is remembering her life and she sort of goes back in her memory to this time when she was in boarding school and it's it starts off as like an English boarding school novel and follows on from there there's a lot more to this story than that but just trust me it is amazing and excellent.

24. Harry Potter 


Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

the next one on my list is the old favorite Harry Potter. I look I love the story there's never a point where I'm not going to love this story this will always be the most important story to me because I kind of learned to read off of these books and I read and re-read and re-read these stories throughout high school they were the thing that got me through high school and the reason that I love writing and the reason why that fantasy is my favorite genre. 

and I'm sure you all know the story about Harry Potter but these books will always have a special place in my heart makes it a bit challenging when you don't ethically agree with some of the beliefs of the author. 

25. Norwegian Wood 


Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

I was not gonna include this book on the list but I'm bringing it back the two books by Haruhi Murakami on this list are 'Norwegian Wood' and 'The Wind-up Bird Chronicle'. 

I also quite like 'Killing Commendatory' which I think is a really good entry-level Hokie Murakami text it has a lot fewer adult themes in it there's some like really confronting stuff in Haruki Murakami's work so if you don't like really really graphic sex scenes or like pretty violent stuff then but you want to read Haruki Murakami I'd probably start with 'killing commendatory' from memory I think that one's pretty safe but in terms of his other books. the books I like the most by him are again Norwegian Wood and the Wind at Bird chronicle a few facets I find kind of problematic, particularly with. 

this Norwegian Wood however despite the imagery in this story is so beautiful it's so beautifully written Norwegian Wood is a story about a young man named Toru Montana day he is sitting on a plane and he starts remembering his university days and these were during the 60s during a time when there was a lot of like student protests in japan and he sort of remembers these like quite traumatic things that happened the first girl he fell in love with and relives in his brain in the past tense um what happened during his university years. 

26. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle: A Novel 


The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle: A Novel by Haruki Murakami

and then 'The wind-up bird chronicle' which is more of a speculative story There are a lot of like like dream sequences and tunnels and weird beautiful magical realism in that particular story it's very dark cannot expect a very structured plot that goes from here to here it's a lot more weaving and you sort of just have to read this book slowly for the joy of reading.

the plot of The Wind at Bird Chronicle is that this man living in Tokyo is married his cat goes missing and he's looking for the cat and then his wife goes missing and it's sort of how his world starts unraveling and these like these really creepy antagonistic forces who are coming in and then weird stuff starts happening and it's set in Tokyo during the summertime. 

and I just got I love the imagery that Hiroki Murakami uses it is so impactful and atmospheric.

27. Frankenstein 


Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

okay, moving on the next book is 'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley. this book is the book that invented science fiction it was written by a 16 to 19-year-old girl. 

Then Victor Frankenstein effectively is in university he creates a monster who doesn't have a name he's called a demon or wretch but the monster is not Frankenstein he's never called anything specific but he's animated from like grave robbed body parts Victor realizes what he's done it's an abomination it's the worst thing in the world and sort of his life entirely falls apart from there this is a framed novel it's a story within a story. 

what I found really interesting about this book is that it has really potent and beautiful natural imagery in it there's a lot of like nature versus industry and god versus man sort of allegory in here and there's a lot of like Christian allegory as well with like dr victor Frankenstein like playing god and creating adam which is the monster who then turns into Lucifer as he becomes eviler and does evil stuff beautiful story I wrote like two essays on this during uni can you tell I focused on liturgical imagery, really beautiful story I love it endlessly.

28. Educated: A Memoir 


Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover

it is 'Educated' by Tara Westover. this is another nonfiction story it is an autobiography I was so moved by this story and just thought it was absolutely excellent. this is the story of a young woman who grows up in more rural America but she is the daughter of a large family of Mormons remembering that correctly who believe the end of days is coming. 

they're preparing for armageddon they're very very religious they don't believe in school or doctors or these sort of societal structures that keep people safe and so this is Tara's story of her childhood and what she goes through and how she sort of gets herself out of the situation and claws an education for herself despite never going to primary school high school she graduates from. 

I think it's Cambridge University or one of the Ivy League universities and it sort of goes through the breakdown of her relationship with her family and how she got out of the situation I was listening to the audiobook and I just couldn't stop listening I loved it it was beautiful so interesting and it was really really good.

29. Howl's Moving Castle 


Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

the next is 'house moving castle' by Diana Wynne Jones and also 'charmed life' by Dana Nguyen Jones. these are middle-grade kid's books and I love them so incredibly much.

'how's Room Castle' is my favorite film. I love it very very much and this book is stunning as well if you like the movie please go read the book there are a lot of contexts you get about the world and about how specifically that you don't get from the movie did you know he's actually welshed like this is actually a portal fantasy and he welshes and the first time I read that part of it I was like because I thought it was like an entirely secondary world I didn't realize that this was very very cool love this book I think. 

what I really like about both of these stories the most is the magic systems and the world-building albumin castle is about a young girl named Sophie Hatta she's the eldest of three which means she's prone to bad luck and misfortune and she is cursed by the wicked witch of the waist to look like an old woman and to feel like an old woman goes out into the wastes where she becomes the cleaning lady to a very flamboyant and sort of self-indulgent and kind of selfish wizard named howe I love the characterization in the story and it is just so very good.

30. Charmed Life 


Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones

then 'Charmed Life' is about a young boy named Kat and his sister Gwendolyn their parents die in a boat accident and the cat survives because he clings to Gwendolyn she's a witch and witches cannot drown and Then they eventually go to live with this wizard whose name is chiromancy. 

and they go to his extravagant house and sort of get immersed in this culture of witchcraft and there's a lot of magic and it's just so very very good.

31. Anne of Green Gables 


Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

the next book on this list is 'Anne of Green Gables. I read this last year and was blown away by how much I loved these books I've never read them before her parents die and she becomes an orphan she has a really really bad situation where she gets fostered out to all these families but eventually, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert adopt her into their family this is set in Canada in the late 1800s. 

I think there's the most beautiful natural imagery in this story I think it's so beautifully written I think the characterization is excellent.

32. All the Light We Cannot See 


All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr 

the next one is 'All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. This book won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2015. it is about a young boy named Verna who sort of grows up in Germany his parents died he's an orphan and also about a little girl named Marie Law who lives in France and she is blind and it is about how their stories sort of intersect during the second world war. 

this story is not told in chronological order it jumps back and forth over quite a few years very very beautifully written I love Anthony Dell's writing I just think he is such a talented author and I absolutely love this story it's a very very good war story if you're interested in world war ii.

33. A Room of One's Own 


A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf

it's not really a novel it's more like an extended essay and it is pretty much Virginia Woolf's rumination on what it's like to be a woman and to be a writer and she goes through this concept of like what if Shakespeare had a sister who was just as talented would she have been able to publish those plays probably not.

34. Orlando 


Orlando by Virginia Woolf

and then we have 'Orlando' which is a story about a person who lives over several hundred years he starts off living in a sort of like the Elizabethan era and then he goes on to change genders so they change pronouns to her and then they live until like the sort of high modernist period beginning like 1910 or 1920. 

I can't remember what decade the story actually finishes in it's a really interesting weird biography of obviously not a real person but um very ahead of its time in terms of gender ideology.

35. Anthology of Classical Myth 


Anthology of Classical Myth by Stephen M. Trzaskoma

this one is the 'anthology of classical myth' pretty much it's the translations of Ovid and Plato and hygienists and all of these like classical authors and the versions of their myths when they wrote them. 

so for example, if you want to read about the myth of Atlante you can read the primary sources and you'll get several different perspectives on how that myth works and how the myth was different from these different sources read This when I was studying mythology at university just thought it was a brilliant wonderful book for reading the primary sources so I recommend it all the time.

36. The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy Literature 


The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy Literature by Edward James

This is a great entry-level scholarly book to read if you're getting into fantasy lit and you want to start analyzing fantasy literature this is a really good one. it is edited by Edward James and Farah Mendelson pharaoh Mendelson is a very very important scholar in this area she's worked on a lot of really important scholarly articles and chapters on fantasy literature. 

I used her work all the time when I was doing my post-grad because fantasy literature was actually my research area pretty much just covers a bunch of different interesting topics and gives you really really good context.

37. Robinson Crusoe 

I have gained some inspiration from this book. I wrote it down in the hope that it will serve as an introduction and also lead you to get to know it. I first came into contact with this book on middle school language essays, but it was only a fragment of it. Later, I had the opportunity to read the whole book at university. During that time, because of a few terrible things, I felt that everything was far away in the foreseeable future, and the future was hopeless. 

It was the most confusing period in the past. I suffer from insomnia every day at night, and I often dream of walking in the thick and damp fog, a vast expanse of whiteness and no light. 

The face was also covered with large acne, and the hair fell out quickly. I know that physical conditions are often caused by psychological factors, but I don't want to face it or talk to anyone, because my inner world collapses. At that time, apart from going to the library for reading and recreation, I was basically isolated from the outside world. I happened to borrow this book to read in Maple Grove one weekend. 

So what inspiration did " Robinson Crusoe " give me? Why is it my favorite book? This book is about Robinson living a stable life but being called by his inner world to be eager to go sailing and adventure. On the fourth voyage, the ship encountered a storm on the way, and all the companions on the ship were killed. Only Robinson survived. Drifting alone to a deserted island. When he first arrived on the deserted island, he said, "I decided where to wait to die. I really can't see the prospect of living." This is like most people's first reaction to a major accident and chooses not to act. 

Then Robinson salvaged everything that could be used, masts, food, and clothes began to set up tents and dig caves to live in. It was like encountering this book, using more or less useful things. Reading here at that time felt like my own The encounter is like in the book, and it seems to see my life in the book. 

I am looking forward to the changes in Robinson as if what Robinson will do next can tell me what to do next. Robinson then began to grow barley and rice on the island, and then encountered several changes: he almost died of illness and then healed, domesticated wild goats ran away, risked their lives to save the prisoners from the cannibal savage next Friday, Man-bear battle, man-wolf battle. 

At the end of the reading, I understand that life is always full of difficulties, and when it comes to difficulties, I will always take action to make changes. It is only a question of when the time of auction begins. I remember reading the entire book at that time and I looked up and found that there was just fine sunlight hitting my face. 

I felt a trance. It seemed that they had become different together. I jumped from a quagmire to go out to see where I was. The current difficulties are nothing from the length of life. This is the inspiration that this book gave me. The paper version of the book is placed by the head of the bed, and I will read it again from time to time.

38. The Kite Runner 

The story tells a touching story between Amir and Hassan, who are sympathetic to brotherhood.

When he was a teenager, Amir was a wealthy young master in Afghanistan. He and his servant Hassan were brothers and sisters and flew a kite together. Because Amir’s father treated him and Hassan fairly, it made Amir very unhappy. He wanted his father to love him more and more. 

Therefore, in a kite competition, Amir tries his best to win the kite competition to change his father's view of him. When Hassan picks kite, he frequently bullies Assef, Amir huddled in the corner, dares to stand up for Hasan, which becomes a period of remorse for the past lie in his heart of the Amir, and then there is no feeling of sympathy with Hassan when he was a child.

To get rid of this feeling, Amir used a trick to force Hassan away, and went to the United States with his father, until he got married. After getting married, Amir has always cherished the betrayal of Hassan in his childhood. With the encouragement of Rahim Khan, he went to Afghanistan again to find Hassan's orphan and his nephew and brought him back to the United States and their nephews after many hardships. The story of living together.

At the end of the story, Amir picking up a kite for Sohrab echoes Hassan to Amir.

39. The Bell Jar: A Novel 


The Bell Jar: A Novel by Sylvia Plath 

If Slyvia Plath was born in today's Internet age, I don't know if she will become a poet. The Internet age makes it possible for everyone to become a poet or novelist. Although this is an era of less and less poetic, personal experience is also devalued due to excessive proliferation.

Everyone has their own fears, inexplicable dreams, little pride, and depression in life. The network provides a platform for telling and sharing, that is, on this platform, our thoughts become bytes and as trivial as bytes, or even worthless.
I often make this byte garbage.

In the era of Slyvia Plath, "I" can still be read carefully. Of course, the premise is that you can be like her, and behave so beautifully, without being pretentious. She said that her quietness and emptiness were just as felt by the eye of a storm. 

She said that she was like a hole in the ground. She said she wanted to bloom in all directions like fireworks on National Day. She said she wanted to be as sharp as a knife. She said that suicidal thoughts are formed calmly in her heart like a tree or a flower. She said that some kind of mischief was like a bad tooth when it was stuck in her veins. She said that everything in the past is her landscape...

This is just the anxiety of a young woman at the end of adolescence: about her career, about sex, about herself. Before he had time to enjoy the arrogant youth, he suddenly realized that the unavoidable bifurcation point was in front of him. She was 18 years old, afraid that she would soon become a vulgar housewife like her mother, but found that she was not good at anything other than taking an A. 

She had a vague fear and desire for sex but suddenly realized that the object she had always admired was an asshole --All the confusion and anxiety are constantly poured into the bell jar hanging above the head, and it will dump at any time. Hearing hallucinations, insomnia, and extreme depression followed, and after reading a few pages of "Finnegan's Watch", she collapsed. All of a sudden, it was as clean as white paper.

Only a genius can collapse like this, and only a genius can play with such humor rather than a mess. This is the neuroticism and hysteria of genius.

Although people in this era often sell their own collapse (because collapse decadence is a label of "character"), often people only see hypocrisy.

40. Harry Potter 

The epic story finally came to a finale.

The title page of "Harry Potter" is the ancient Greek tragedy writer Aeschylus' "The Liber". The trailer for the movie "Harry Potter" is Hogwarts in the raging fire.
Yes, this is the epic of this era. Of course, only some people can indulge in it. People who have nothing to do with it are just like Muggles, who are neither willing to believe nor commit.

Because we know that books, in fact, are like magic wands. Not only do readers choose books, but books also choose readers. The book you meet and the book you fall in love with it because he also chose you. The book you missed, sorry, your aura is wrong, he didn't choose you.

Many people like the first four. Indeed, the last three parts are long and dark, like always groping in the dark, and there is no light. The first four are dreamlike childhoods, and the last three are dark and cruel youths. The first four parts make dreams, and the last three parts break the bubbles of dreams one by one in front of you. In the end, there is only the light that shines on the faint beauty. This is much like the teens that each of us has experienced.

Without the latter three, "Harry Potter" is just a set of beautiful fairy tales.
And now, he has become an epic.

I am very worried about the performance of the last film that has not yet been released. The Hogwarts decisive battle was too magnificent and magnificent, too sad, to carry the last dream of every Harry Potter reader. It is the grand trip at the end of youth, the life-and-death exam, and the unforgettable love affair. It leaves us with a bright tail because the partners who did not see this starlight have already gone on the road.

Fortunately, we came to an end in the long march of four million words and twenty-four hours of film. The moment when I opened the ending, I had to be grateful. This life without Diagon Alley, even without Ollivander’s wand, even if it’s not in the bookstore called Lihen, finally has such a set. Book-chose me.

41. The Night Circus 

The story of "Night Walk Circus" is actually the love of the children of a family of enemies that have never changed. It just wraps the protagonist, background, environment, and plot of the story in a fantasy coat, or more simply, the magical Romeo and Juliet.

Since it is a fantasy subject, it is naturally difficult to escape the comparison between "Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter". When she was at the airport with Jinny, she said that she prefers fantasy based on simplicity, such as Harry Potter. I quite agree with her. My idea is actually simpler. The most important thing in the novel is the story. The plot of "Night Walking Circus" is still not enough. It uses a lot of fantasy details to build a very ordinary story. It's inferior.

The text in the novel has a special sense of the picture. When you read it, there will be pictures in your head. I can’t help but think that this segment is very suitable for making a movie. If this segment is shot, it is difficult to do special effects, even the heroine has already a face, although the fairy-like beauty described in the book, she looks like Bjork in my mind. I am very puzzled about this. I don't know if this sense of picture is due to the author's endowment or because the information received now is more and more focused on the scope of the image.

It took me a month or two to finish reading this novel. Of course, there were business trips and other reasons, but the distraction of attention is really a big problem, and I would subconsciously feel that I read such a novel. What's the point? When I got a novel in elementary and junior high school, I eagerly read it in the fastest time, and then read it over and over again in the rest of my free time. It feels like it's no longer a real thing.

42. The Great Gatsby 

A few days ago, a friend asked me, do you believe that fate is destined? I said I believe that character determines fate, and character is born.

  Who is Gatsby? Gatsby is a cousin of the German emperor, Gatsby is a German spy, Gatsby is a murderer, Gatsby is Trimarchau in the Western Peninsula-the endless party supplier. But we know that Gatsby is not Jay Gatsby, Gatsby is James Gates, the son of a farmer in the West.

  Just as some people say that Jilda destroyed Fitzgerald, some people say that Daisy destroyed Gatsby. But what kind of person is Gatsby? He is a person who has planned his life to achieve his goals since he was a child. I always think that people who strictly plan their lives are paranoid, but only paranoia can succeed.

  Gatsby's success is inevitable, and his character determines that he must succeed. He can't be like Tom without consuming and pursuing, nor can he be stupid like Wilson, and he's not willing to live his own life like Nick. When he changed his name to Gatsby at the age of seventeen, he could only succeed. Either succeed or die.

  Whether it's a bootlegger or something else, Gatsby will succeed in the end, I firmly believe.

  Just as Dan Cody gave Gatsby a possibility in life, Daisy's appearance is the embodiment of success: falling in love with the golden girl and living happily.

  Either Daisy or Trish or someone else, who must shine like silver, always charming and always in the center of people's eyes. Only such a golden girl can be worthy of Gatsby's luxurious mansion feast, and only such a golden girl who needs money in her voice can be worthy of Gatsby's dream.

  It’s a pity that Gatsby’s perfectionism can’t be sustained by Daisy. "I did love him--but I also loved you." Daisy’s love is like a coin in a beautiful handbag. Throw it to this person. , And threw some to that person. These are all real, but you know, none of these are real.

  But what's the use of seeing through these? Gatsby's road to success is no longer perfect, and without Daisy's end, all of this is no longer perfect. A paranoid person will not find a young golden girl again, wrap her up in the velvet of money, and then give her a little bit of love. In that case, there is no way to recover from the failure of Daisy here. Failure is a brand and cannot disappear from the heart.

 There is nothing crueler than life giving you a perfectionist character and enough wisdom.

  As long as you need others, they are destined to disappoint you.

43. Rebecca 

In this novel, she is the one who has not appeared, but she is also the one who has always existed in everyone's hearts. Outsiders think this stunner is impeccable: beautiful, noble, smart, capable, courageous, and courageous; but in the eyes of her husband Derwent, he is a complete demon, bitch! She can pretend that everyone can't see her heart, can't see her madness, can mingle with anyone, and confuse sentient beings. She will do things that are unethical and are also being cleaned up. 

This woman is too independent and too courageous. She can ride a horse better than a man, so she can go out to sea alone. She loves no one, she only loves herself. She didn't want to be someone's accessory, she didn't want to put a man's last name after her name. Think about how scary, why do you want to ask for your opinion on what clothes to wear? Why do you depend on your color when you speak? Why do you have to invite guests and friends to a party as you wish? Just because of your surname!

       I think this is a novel about women's liberation. The two heroines in the book come from two eras. Rebecca seems to be a feminist. She pursues her freedom, enjoys all kinds of men, enjoys pleasure, and may be called a bitch, so what? She has a cabin that belongs only to her. Anyone can stay here overnight, but not get the right of residence. As soon as daybreak, we have to leave. I think Rebecca may not bring too many people of the opposite sex. A person who is willing to go to sea has a heart that cannot be chained. 

Maybe she just hopes that she can go on like this, read a book, daze, sleep, all Yes, only where does she feel that she is the master, that she is Rebecca, not the mistress of the mandala, not Mrs. Derwent. But the other poor Mrs. Derwent was so pretty. No wonder it will be loved by the male protagonist. 

Men want to have a wife like Rebecca, but at the same time, they are afraid of having it. Just because it's hard to tame? No, it is not. They are afraid, women get more respect and praise than them, and their timidity is concealed by her. Make the huge sun of man hide under the clear brilliance of the moon. They can't stand the trick of controlling women and applying it to themselves.

44. Crime and Punishment 

"Crime and Punishment" is a classic. Biting it down, I swallowed a reassurance pill like a robber, calm as a ghost. I no longer want to go online, there is too much irritability; I no longer want to make comments, there is enough noise. I can still clearly perceive that there is a quiet power in my heart, it is faint and indescribable, but I believe it is there. 

Whenever I get tired, I just have to lean there, that is, when I complete the action of "close to it" in my mind, it seems that my heart is not tired. This is a peaceful pleasure. Looking back at the other people, it was pitiful. Go ahead, I still have sweet things to do. So recently I fell in love with plants. I kept a pot of gardenia a long time ago, and it is still lush. It is better to think about plants. There is no concept, no concept, and even the sound is omitted. Head and brain growth.
"Crime and Punishment" is a book about people. A man lying there all day, doing nothing, thinking about nothing, time lost its meaning in him. This person is incomprehensible. So people still have to have stories. But stories that are too exciting and bizarre won’t work. I can’t get used to thrillers. How can there be so many ghosts in life? Even neuropathy is rare. Or ordinary people, most of the plain stories, in general. "Crime and Punishment" is an ordinary story: a college student killed someone and finally surrendered. 

There are too many murder stories in society, and they are not reported in the news; but in literature, Dostoevsky wrote half a million words. shining. In our absurd era, there has never been a shortage of Hollywood-like fantasy stories, where petitioners are locked in morgues and young girls are raped...too many, so exciting, that people living in it have long been numb and even bored. 

Our aesthetics are unknowingly changed and destroyed. Literature has a restorative effect. We don't need more and more violent and perverted social news to stimulate our conscience, and we don't need to stimulate our facial features with shocking surround sound, just rely on pure words to impress you. The power of literature.

46. Little Women 

This book has had a great impact on my life. Until now, I would recommend this book to little girls. It can be said to be a must-read classic for girls. I started reading this book when I was in elementary school. In the long hours that followed, I read it countless times, disappointed and frustrated in the late night of sleeplessness, and revisiting this book, I felt that life was wonderful and everything was possible.

      Until now, those sentences in the book can be twisted out randomly: the wise move is to be prepared so that when the moment of happiness comes, you will feel that you are ready to take responsibility and you are worthy of this happiness.

"Well said, Joe, I would rather be a happy old maiden than a sad wife or a bad girl, running around looking for a husband,"

Laurie lay on the carpet, pretending to rest, actually staring at Huo Miao was thinking about things, and his thoughtful look made his dark eyes appear clear and gentle, very beautiful. (By the way, I really like Laurie) I

      had insomnia last night, and I went to read halfway in the early morning. In those years, the simple and simple outlook on life in the book still warms me. But I still didn't dare to watch the ending. For so many years, I hated that ending, so I only wanted to read half of it again.

       When I was a child, I was so sad that I couldn't sleep at night because of that ending. I can't accept the ending of Amy and Laurie together, let alone the ending of Joe and the professor together. Everyone thinks that it is very wise for Joe to marry a professor. It is in line with the orthodox concept of Christianity and in line with the definition of women in society at that time. 

I am really mad, I admit, I have always wanted to be Joe in my heart, although on the surface I can only work hard to be Amy. I believe that a certain compromise can be exchanged for freedom, but in the future, I will compromise my life to that point, give up my chic, give up my dreams, and give up the justice I believe in. Then I really want to stop at this moment.

47. Jane Eyre 

A good book may change a person's outlook on life and the world, and benefit you for life. One of my favorite books is "Jane Eyre".

Some characters described in the book "Jane Eyre" had a lot of subtle effects on my growth. Jane Eyre is optimistic, strong, and kind. She is always hopeful about adversity life and strives to create her own new life. These characteristics shown in her are what I admire. They tell me not to be pessimistic or disappointed in setbacks. 

But to maintain a good attitude and move on on the road of life; and the tolerance, detachment, and sincerity embodied in her friend Helen are also what I admire. I think sincerity is the foundation of one's life, and to be sincere and tolerant to colleagues, friends, and everyone around me. As the saying goes, "The water is clear, there will be no fish, and the human being will be unscrupulous". Tolerance to others and strictness to yourself. Only in this way can we have a good interpersonal environment.

"Jane Eyre" is the representative work of the famous British female writer Charlotte Bronte in the 19th century. It is an autobiographical work. It tells the story of a British woman who has been an orphan since she was a child, constantly pursuing freedom and dignity, persevering in herself, and finally gaining happiness through various ordeals. 

The novel fascinatingly showcases the ups and downs of the hero and heroine's love experience, praises freedom from all old customs and prejudices, and successfully creates an image of a woman who dares to resist and who dares to fight for freedom and equal status.

Jane Eyre’s life pursuit in Jane Eyre has two basic melodies: passion, fantasy, resistance, and perseverance; desire for freedom and happiness in the world and the pursuit of a higher spiritual realm. The theme of this novel is to successfully create an image of a woman who is uneasy, unwilling to be humiliated, and daring to fight through the rough life experience of an orphan, reflecting the call sign and condemnation of an ordinary soul, a lowercase person The desire to become a capitalized person. Detail Book Reviews

48. Wuthering Heights 

In the past, I thought that the best atmosphere for reading "Wuthering Heights" was a stormy night with violent winds and lightning; now I suddenly feel that, in the wild and unruly on the surface of the story, you must taste the deepest tranquility like water sadness, or fall in the snow. Silent winter night reading.

Wuthering Heights is actually a story of growth and betrayal.

Growing itself means betraying the pure childhood and compromising the ugly adult world. Catherine stepped through the door unsteadily, but Heathcliff stayed outside the door stubbornly.

When Catherine realized that Heathcliff, who was unknown and had nothing, was definitely not the target of marriage, and soberly said that "marrying Heathcliff would damage my identity." At that moment, she had temporarily escaped from the madness. In her capricious childhood, she became a sensible and sophisticated adult woman.

And Heathcliff, the Heathcliff who is as bad as the devil in everyone's eyes, is always the unfettered gypsy child deep in his soul. He simply rejected Catherine's "reasons" in the adult world. In his mind, Catherine was always the little Kathy who was the wild girl who went around with him to make trouble. His logic is extremely simple: if there is no Catherine in heaven, then heaven is hell; if there is Catherine in hell, hell is his heaven!

Therefore, after losing Catherine, Heathcliff, whose heart is dead, only focused on one thing: to completely destroy this ugly world without Catherine.

In the abandoned Wuthering Heights, grass grows hurriedly in the wind. The haunted legend is still passed on from generation to generation among the ignorant villagers. I saw the souls of Little Heathcliff and Little Casey running and laughing together in the vast wilderness under the moonlight. 

49. Pride & Prejudice 

There are several books on my pillow all year round. One of them is Pride and Prejudice. It has been with me for almost ten years. For many nights, I can’t sleep, so I just turn around and watch a section of whether it’s Darcy and Elizabeth at the prom. The spark-sparkling confrontation or Mrs. Bennet’s neurotic nagging Jane Austen’s wit always overwhelmed me, smiled knowingly, then reminiscent of the familiar plot, fell asleep, and Jane Austen’s life was unremarkable.

She was almost She has never left the country town where she lives, so there has never been any historical plot in her book, nor has there been any indignation and exposure to the dark world. She is only based on sensitive observation talent and excellent language. the ability to repeatedly write about the life of an ordinary person their little happiness, little annoyances their little calculation, careful machine although the stories take place in the 19th-century English countryside, today is still lively, almost certain she might be called Not a great writer, but she is definitely called the smartest author in my heart, the cutest woman. 

Those women in Jane Austen’s writings are still living in our world today, a little bit like Charlotte, cool sober, decisive grasp the opportunity to choose a marriage of love do not need some like Lydia, reckless naive, self-righteous love for the brave, but the actual chips secular interests somewhat like plum, plain, narcissistic, depending on the surface of a shallow man is stupid The vulgar things, but their heart is extremely longing for their love.

Conclusion of Favorite Book of All Time

I just get so happy to recommend all these books my favorite book of all time. I understand how painful it will be to just pick one, so you can pick multiple. maybe you've seen that we have similar taste in books then don't forget to subscribe to my blog. so that you don't miss any of my other articles and share this article with your friends and family.

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