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How to Improve Your Walking Technique and Posture

How to Improve Your Walking Technique and Posture. 10 Effective Ways to Improve Your Walking Technique and Posture
Recognized as the best walking fitness method in the world and how to improve your walking technique and posture, the choice of thousands of people, there is always one of ten methods for you!

Walking and walking are some of the most basic ways of human activities, and are recognized as the best sports in the world. 

As the saying goes: troubles are created by thinking, diseases are created, obesity is eaten, and health comes out. 

10 Effective Ways to Improve Your Walking Technique and Posture

Walking can reduce the occurrence of diabetes, reduce high blood fat, make arteriosclerosis soften, walking can make the brain clear, not easy to fall, prevent dementia, walking make people enjoyable... The benefits of walking are too many.

Many fitness professionals say that they have to "walk 10,000 steps a day", but do you really know how to "walk"? how do walk perfectly? What about the walking fitness technique? Let's take a look at today's content.

Modern research also confirms that walking is the most convenient, most applicable, and closest fitness exercise. In the "Walking Yearbook" published by a walking fitness center in Washington, USA, there are currently about 90 million Americans walking for health. In fact, for many healthy elderly with longevity in the world, their favorite exercise is to walk frequently

Because walking is such a convenient and suitable fitness method, people have summarized many walking fitness methods, mainly the following.

1. Go fast

Walk 120 to 140 steps per minute, with a heart rate of 70% of the normal maximum heart rate, which is a medium-to-small intensity exercise. It has a good stimulating effect on the heart and lungs, and the stroke volume and weight of the heart are in the best condition. Walking for a longer period of time can consume more calories, lower blood lipids, and reduce weight. 

It is a fitness activity suitable for middle-aged and elderly people and dieters. Pay attention to choosing a place with fresh air, a beautiful environment, and soft and safe roads. Shoes should be comfortable and fit, and the soles should preferably be rubber soles, soft and elastic, so as not to shock the head. The activity time should be more than 40 minutes.

2. Medium speed

Walk 80 steps per minute and maintain an average heart rate of 110 to 120 beats per minute, which is a low-intensity exercise. Conducive to the relaxation of the cerebral cortex, long-term practice can effectively reduce the viscosity of the blood and can make the brain produce endofibrin, which makes people happy. 

It is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people and people who are weak after illness to perform health care exercises. It can also be used as an exercise prescription for patients with hypertension and hyperlipidemia. The activity time is about 1 hour, and the patient is best accompanied by someone to avoid accidents.

3. Short walk

Walk with the knees slightly bent. People are required to go upright when walking, and the body is upright. The main stress parts are the thigh and ankle joints, which can effectively exercise the strength of the practitioners’ legs and knee joints, prevent calcium loss and osteoporosis in the elderly, and prevent patella strain. Practitioners should proceed step by step, and the amount and intensity should vary with age and physique, generally not too big.

4. Heel walk

Stand on your toes and walk on your heels. It mainly stimulates the genitourinary reflex area and strengthens the extensor muscles in front of the lower leg. It has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases. 

When practicing, both arms swing back and forth rhythmically, which can adjust the balance. Do not walk too long, in order to avoid joint damage. It can be carried out in a small amount many times, combined with fast walking and slow walking. In addition, special attention should be paid to the smoothness and softness of the road surface.

5. Go backward

When walking backward, the knee joints are not flexed and the arms swing freely back and forth. It can effectively balance the exerted parts of the body, stimulate inactive muscles, relax the joints and muscles that are usually heavier and tighter, promote blood circulation, prevent brain atrophy, and have a significant effect on low back and leg pain. 

Because you completely change your walking habits during practice, it is best to have someone assist if safety is the first priority. Do not walk for too long, and choose a smooth, soft, familiar road with fewer pedestrians and vehicles.

6. Arc walking

When walking, walk around the center of a circle. Such as the mud step in the Bagua palm. Arc walking can effectively improve the internal environment of life and play a role in strengthening the body.

7. Crawling

Slowly squat down, two hands on the ground, back and the ground slightly half-line, hand climbing pedal, slowly forward. It can increase the blood supply to the head, reduce the heart burden, and has a curative effect on cervical spondylosis, lumbosacral pain, digestive system disease, and varicose veins of lower limbs. 

Because of crawling, the pressure of internal organs on the rectum and anus is changed, which is conducive to the peristalsis of the rectum and the reflux of anal venous blood, which can play a role in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. The exerciser should pay attention to the action slowly, and the time should not be too long. 

8. Walk on the forefoot

On top of 100 meetings, lift your heels and walk with your forefeet. The main stress sites are the ankle joint and forefoot, which can enhance the tension of flexors in the center of the foot and the back of the lower leg. It has a strong stimulating effect on the original points.

It has a good effect on nourishing the kidney and spleen, regulating liver qi, invigorating the brain, and tranquilizing the spirit. Do not walk too long, in order to avoid joint damage. Can be done a small number of times, and with fast, slow, and walking combined with practice, in addition, to paying special attention to the smoothness of the road surface.

9. Tai Chi Step

This is a basic Tai Chi practice with a lower center of gravity, slow movement, and awareness to guide the pace. The requirement is "like walking on thin ice, like facing the abyss". It can effectively regulate the central and autonomic nervous system of the practitioner, and strengthen the strength of his legs. 

Thereby achieving the effects of strengthening physical fitness, preventing calcium loss, and prolonging life. Practitioners should pay attention to the correct movements and practice under the guidance of experienced teachers, so as to avoid incorrect movements causing patella strain.

10. Walk the stones

Walking on the pavement paved with stones. Stones can increase the pressure of the road surface on the soles of the practitioners and can stimulate the reflex areas of the soles of the feet to improve health and prevent diseases. 

Note that you should practice barefoot or wear thinner soft-soled shoes, and you should not walk too fast. The stones should be uniform in size and without sharp edges and corners.

Conclusion of how to improve your walking technique and posture 

One or more of the above methods can be selected for practice. There is no need for thought during practice, and generally, there will be no deviation. It is a sport worth exploring and promoting.

I wish everyone could "walk" out of a healthy body through the correct walking method!

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